

Meet Maeve...

I have definitely been MIA for the latter half of October if you didn't notice...
Well there was reason for that...
I still wish I hadn't only made it half way through my 31 days goal, but there are really good reasons...

Meet Maeve.
Click to visit our website!
 Maeve Vintage that is... A rentals & events company that my mom, sister, & I are starting...

Yes, I know I always have a lot on my plate, but this one is taking precedence over MANY things, excluding Baby Kakes, Mr. K, and my job.

Please please please go to our website and check it out!  We've got current Inventory on there AND we are always looking at new pieces!

Then go to our Indiegogo Campaign and pledge if you can, but please SHARE SHARE SHARE!
We will be serving Fort Wayne & Surrounding Areas as well as Indianapolis & Surrouning Areas

When it's all said and done we have a pretty high goal, but we really need to acquire a storage space or storefront -- It will depend -- and a vehicle to use to transport all these items.  Dream Big, right?  And if the goal doesn't seem a bit scary then it's not big enough!

Well these dreams are big and we are going for it!  With only one other vintage rentals company in Indiana, and none in Northeast Indiana, we are very excited and looking forward with moving on with this goal and company!

So here's a few of our current pieces...

And we are starting a blog for the company that will be located at and we are looking forward to creating inspired looks, tablescapes, and rustic, whimsy, chic vignettes!  

You will love!  I promise!
And I'm so excited and ready for this that I can't wait to share our amazing success as it happens!  



31 Days // FAIL

Apparently I can't commit to anything...
I thought the 31 days thing I could totally do, but then I hit Columbus Day and was done... What happened?
Life Happened as it always seems to do. 

I'm going to work on my time management skills...
Working on REALLY using my planner right now and updating my Google Calendar to keep track of whats happening...
