

DIY Wood Bead Garland @ The City Moms

This weekend I was a progress machine...
And you can only half tell by the current status of my house...
I swear the next time it's all clean I'm going to have someone come take photos for when it's time to sell so I'll just be like "Oh you need house pics, right here...DONE!"

But... I did, along with tons of cleaning, get a few DIY projects done this weekend... One being for the other girls room <-- a="" all="" and="" baby="" came="" current="" currently.="" dad="" ells="" fit="" for="" girl="" give="" he="" her="" i="" in="" it="" just="" loving="" most="" my="" nbsp="" nickname="" other="" over="" p="" possible="" s="" said="" stuck.="" swear.="" that="" the="" them="" throwing="" to="" told="" toys="" up="" was="" way="" when="" with="" would="">

DIY Wood Bead Garland...
Not for the faint of heart with weak drilling skills...

Check out the tutorial over at The City Mom's blog...