This weekend I was a progress machine...
And you can only half tell by the current status of my house...
I swear the next time it's all clean I'm going to have someone come take photos for when it's time to sell so I'll just be like "Oh you need house pics, right here...DONE!"
But... I did, along with tons of cleaning, get a few DIY projects done this weekend... One being for the other girls room <-- a="" all="" and="" baby="" came="" current="" currently.="" dad="" ells="" fit="" for="" girl="" give="" he="" her="" i="" in="" it="" just="" loving="" most="" my="" nbsp="" nickname="" other="" over="" p="" possible="" s="" said="" stuck.="" swear.="" that="" the="" them="" throwing="" to="" told="" toys="" up="" was="" way="" when="" with="" would="">
DIY Wood Bead Garland...
Not for the faint of heart with weak drilling skills...
Check out the tutorial over at The City Mom's blog...
This Month's Binge :: The Americans
So I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been binging on some great TV. We accidentally got Amazon Prime this year - and by accidentally I mean I forgot to cancel our free trial then realized this show was on there and decided to keep because I wanted to watch it - and I've been taking advantage of their streaming video service.
And we also happen to watch a lot of FX in our house... they tend to always have good kids shows/cartoon movies on so on the commercials I was ALWAYS seeing previews for this show. I had wanted to watch it for a while, but wasn't sure how I'd see the previous seasons.
Well, if you have prime, GO WATCH THIS SHOW FROM START TO FINISH. It's so good. It's got great intensity, great acting, great storylines... It's really one of my favorite shows on TV. Oh, and because I'm a complete dork, fabulous music!
According to IMDB, here's their synopsis:
"Two Soviet intelligence agents pose as a married couple to spy on the American government."
But in the first or second episode, they get a new neighbor that is an FBI agent and you see how tangled this web can become.
If you are looking for something to binge on and have amazon prime, you might as well watch this. If you like historical things, drama, spy things, Felicity, Brothers & Sisters, then you'll be happy with this. Seriously...
And we also happen to watch a lot of FX in our house... they tend to always have good kids shows/cartoon movies on so on the commercials I was ALWAYS seeing previews for this show. I had wanted to watch it for a while, but wasn't sure how I'd see the previous seasons.
Well, if you have prime, GO WATCH THIS SHOW FROM START TO FINISH. It's so good. It's got great intensity, great acting, great storylines... It's really one of my favorite shows on TV. Oh, and because I'm a complete dork, fabulous music!
According to IMDB, here's their synopsis:
"Two Soviet intelligence agents pose as a married couple to spy on the American government."
But in the first or second episode, they get a new neighbor that is an FBI agent and you see how tangled this web can become.
If you are looking for something to binge on and have amazon prime, you might as well watch this. If you like historical things, drama, spy things, Felicity, Brothers & Sisters, then you'll be happy with this. Seriously...
Almost Half Way Resolution Recap
Well it's almost mid May and I thought it would be a good time to check in on those resolutions since I know that next month will be getting to be a bit busy with Maeve... So...
I resolved to:
Get Organized
Read More
Love More
Have a Baby
Pray More
Find My Happy
Lets see...
I feel like I've made progress on the get organized but not feeling like I'm there yet. My house has been slowing being cleaned out, and slowly purged... and by slowly I mean SLOWLY. But hey, progress is progress.
My favorite things to help with this -- my ACCOMPLISH notepad, Google Drive, and my Planner.
I have not read more... I have read 1 book which means I'm 4 months late. haha. I'd like to grab a few quick reads and get those done, so stay tuned on this one! Instead I've been Netflix Binging... #itsaproblem
Love more.... hmmm.... I'm not feeling like this has been happening... or maybe it has but I just can't see it because stresses of life are still getting the best of me. I'm still liking the idea of this and I feel like I'm most giving of myself during the holidays... Love projects at the moment are - myself, surprising my parents with patio furniture, working on free events through Maeve, and loving on my family.
Next up, have a baby. Well wouldn't you know it, I was preggers when I wrote that and didn't even know. I'm due October 3rd. Yay. And good timing to have some holidays off! Hoping everything goes well this time around -- I'm more nervous this time around but so far so good!
I have not prayed more. I often think I should, probably why I made it a resolution. However, do you ever feel like no matter what you do you are always getting shit on?! Well that's me right now... kind of in a funk of it. I feel like I work hard, I try to make things work, I try to make things happen, I take care of everything, and I just get crapped on constantly. I'm struggling with this these days... maybe more on the blog soon.
Since the above is kinda wonky, I have not found my happy. I know what makes me happy - being creative and having clean spaces! hahha.. But seriously, the clutter makes me anxious. However, my life at the moment doesn't allow for me to be creative all the time... Real life gets in the way. I just feel like finding my happy is going to mean A LOT of changes that I'm not sure I have the strength to tackle.
So there's the recap of the goals... I always feel like life gets in the way no matter what so maybe if you accomplish 50% of what you set out to do that year, you are on the right track, right?!
So there's the recap of the goals... I always feel like life gets in the way no matter what so maybe if you accomplish 50% of what you set out to do that year, you are on the right track, right?!
Me and My Not So Green Thumb
Does anyone else not have a green thumb but wish they did? I don't know about you, but once it starts to get nice outside, I just MUST have greens in my house. Not too many big plants, as they just become another expense because I kill them, but little greens all over make my life happy. I swear I can only keep plants alive that must come back every year, which explains why I only buy perennials anymore!
Some of my favorite ways to bring Spring inside even when it's still cold out can be found at your local Home Depot. Yes, Lowe's probably has them too, but I've come to be able to depend on Home Depot for Fiddle Figs and Succulents.
First, does everyone know what a fiddle fig plant is? If you don't, you should. Unless of course you are a plant killer like me, then I'll leave it up to you, but at typically $13 a pop, these can be killed a few times over the summer and are worth every penny of green they bring into my living room.
"The fiddle leaf fig tree, also known as the Ficus Lyrata is a plant perfect for the indoors. It has large, violin-shaped and heavily veined leaves that tend to have upright growth. The fiddle leaf fig tree is a species that is native to the tropics as they require conditions to be wet and warm."
Now, let's be real -- we don't live in the tropics, and I don't know about you, but I'm always having to add a layer because my house is so cold (which might be another reason I'm a good plant killer). But this plant is so easy. Water it about once a week and make sure it gets direct sunlight. When it gets warm, I sit it out on our patio. All other times, it's by a window, and I've set a time on my phone as a reminder to water it to try to not kill it so quickly. But just look how cute she is...
Go to your local Goodwill or thrift store and grab a cute little teacup and saucer or even a floral bowl. Trendy floral, not grandma floral just to be clear. Then head to home depot for a bag of potting soil and your choice of succulents! You'd be surprised at the variety they have! It's quite impressive. Then if you really want to add some fun to it go on down to The Corner Cottage in Noblesville who now has the largest array of fairy garden accessories I've seen in one place and get yourself some ironic animals... Deer, Dogs, Moose... and add them as a nice touch to some of your bigger planters if there is room.
And lastly, my other favorite green that even looks beautiful once it's dead {hahhaha} is that fancy eucalyptus from Trader Joes for $2.99 a bushel. Run don't walk to get yourself this special treat. They always have it and it always makes you feel like you just left the spa!
And that's how you get away with having a not so green thumb and having some green thumb items in your home for Spring. And of course, the little always gets to pick out a plant too, and she always picks these cacti with their great color! Happy Spring!
*also posted on The City Moms Blog
A Big Move Over At The City Moms
We recently moved Ella's Room (AGAIN, yes) and today I'm sharing that progress over on The City Moms Blog.
A big deal trying to find a space where she feels comfortable and will SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! The 4 year old in our bed takes up a bunch of space and also kicks me and lays on me which lessens the amount of sleep I'm getting personally. Sleep deprived = crazier mom.
So check it out...
A big deal trying to find a space where she feels comfortable and will SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! The 4 year old in our bed takes up a bunch of space and also kicks me and lays on me which lessens the amount of sleep I'm getting personally. Sleep deprived = crazier mom.
So check it out...
This Month's Binge :: Downton Abbey
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Why have I not been watching this show all along?!
Well, I know why -- I missed the first season and then couldn't figure out how to get the show to record b/c they are all named Masterpiece Classics...
But seriously, why did no one MAKE ME WATCH THIS SHOW?!
Being an old soul, it speaks to me. I love that it's a period piece and have recently been reading more and more about it.
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I successfully watched 5 seasons in a period of 2 weeks -- don't ask how, it's sickening. I watched it while doing laundry, waiting in traffic, pretty much anytime I wasn't in the shower, the show was on.
Gahh... how will it end and how will I now live without it?!
If you haven't watched it yet, love period pieces, love the antique look, appreciate beautiful architecture and lovely accents, and feel like you are an old soul, you must watch.
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House Tour 2016 :: Kitchen & Living Room
I feel like I do a home tour every year and it sometimes is a mess, sometimes it doesn't get finished, and almost always have bad photos because of the maddening light in my house.
But here we go again... I shall try.
And I feel like many things have changed since last years home tour so... my downstairs.
My lovely teeny tiny kitchen.
Last year we finished off our island cabinet and I can't even tell you how much this pretty lady has come in handy! In a kitchen as small as ours, any extra cabinet space comes is necessary! And since it is so teeny tiny, this is really the only photo.
:: Still needs work ::
*New kitchen table
*Paint Cabinets - We got the Rustoleum Kits for Christmas (you can't see cabinets obviously)
*New counterstools & chairs
*Bench Cushions
*New counters
*New Sink
Then we have the living room, right off the entry & kitchen. Right now it's feeling very bland which I'm kind of liking and kind of not. I'm torn by decluttering and the love I have for eclectic things. I don't want to be too wacky. I think I came to the conclusion that I'm a bit of a hipster and I'd like to infuse my hipster feel through artwork.
We are a bit still in the stage of hand-me-down furniture and mismatched items although I don't really mind.
We are loving our new sofa from IKEA - I can't tell you how well it washes, wears, and its just so comfy! Very pleased with my big purchase.
And I like the pop of red that the leather chair gives so it will stay with us probably long past it's glory days.
:: Still Needs Work ::
*New Sofa Table
*New Lamps
*New Artwork
Not too much to do in the living room, but the kitchen needs some love. It's still pretty cookie cutter and I'd love it to be a little different.
Next time -- Entry, Pantry/Office, & Potties!
But here we go again... I shall try.
And I feel like many things have changed since last years home tour so... my downstairs.
My lovely teeny tiny kitchen.
Last year we finished off our island cabinet and I can't even tell you how much this pretty lady has come in handy! In a kitchen as small as ours, any extra cabinet space comes is necessary! And since it is so teeny tiny, this is really the only photo.
:: Still needs work ::
*New kitchen table
*Paint Cabinets - We got the Rustoleum Kits for Christmas (you can't see cabinets obviously)
*New counterstools & chairs
*Bench Cushions
*New counters
*New Sink
Then we have the living room, right off the entry & kitchen. Right now it's feeling very bland which I'm kind of liking and kind of not. I'm torn by decluttering and the love I have for eclectic things. I don't want to be too wacky. I think I came to the conclusion that I'm a bit of a hipster and I'd like to infuse my hipster feel through artwork.
We are a bit still in the stage of hand-me-down furniture and mismatched items although I don't really mind.
We are loving our new sofa from IKEA - I can't tell you how well it washes, wears, and its just so comfy! Very pleased with my big purchase.
And I like the pop of red that the leather chair gives so it will stay with us probably long past it's glory days.
:: Still Needs Work ::
*New Sofa Table
*New Lamps
*New Artwork
Not too much to do in the living room, but the kitchen needs some love. It's still pretty cookie cutter and I'd love it to be a little different.
Next time -- Entry, Pantry/Office, & Potties!
We had a friend coming to stay the night last week so I had to get my ass into gear to clean up the house. I'd like to clarify a few things...
The friend was my husbands best friend (now my friend to, but add emphasis to HUSBANDS BEST FRIEND)
The house was a disaster as it always is right after the holidays. Like T O R N A D O disaster.
My child doesn't clean up no matter how hard I try.
The friend was my husbands...
So obviously I had to get MY ass in gear to clean up.
You couldn't see the floor in the room he was to stay.
Yes I said it... Don't you think less of me...
My feet hurt for days... because I don't think I sat down for 12 hours straight.
And I find that when you try to clean up messes, you inevitably make more. At least that's my experience. My living room gets clean but stairs get messy. My kitchen gets clean but my pantry explodes with things I didn't even know we had. My daughters room get cleaned up but the loft/playland gets ridiculous.
So... how do you combat this? I feel like my life is in a constant state of chaos.
I tried after the new year to get rid of things... and I have... but I think I need to get rid of more.
3 bags full
to goodwill...
And my closets and garage are still imploding with shit. It's just that (for the most part).
I'm ashamed. No you can't see. Unless you live by me and if you do you'll see the chaos in the garage.
I clean it up 3x a year and then remember that guy that had a friend over last week, yea, my husband... he messes it up and then blames me.
I should have titled this Husbands instead of messes... but then again, what's the difference?
Picked Podcast :: Serial
In order to get through the day I do a few things...
1. Grab a Coffee. Starbucks preferred for its supreme warmth.
2. Check out a few blogs, facebook, instagram, etc... A little Social Media goes a long way...
3. Listen to NPR in the morning, and a Podcast or two in the afternoon.
A podcast? Are you trendy with podcasts? I'm not really...
But I do have a few I love... I'm getting more into it... It's kind of like another resolution - reading - kind or, right?!
I used to just call into workshops and webinars on my lunch break so when I realized there are specific ideas and stories I could listen to while sitting at my desk, I thought I had to get on this bandwagon.
So... I recently watched Making A Murderer and now I have issues. By issues I mean that I can't think of anything else but C R I M E - M U R D E R - M Y S T E R Y -- See real issues... First world problems.
But with that being said, I had my binge full of Steven Avery and needed something else to occupy use of my brain cells. My cousin recently did a long road trip and mentioned SERIAL and I've heard about it here and there... so that's my pick for this month!
It's Baltimore, 1999. Hae Min Lee, a popular high-school senior, disappears after school one day. Six weeks later detectives arrest her classmate... <<< from the website
I may or may not be binging on it too... but in my defense I'm starting a year behind so I'm just catching up!
January Reading :: For The Love
Reading was one of my "resolutions." Read more. Read one book a month on average. So... I started well having gotten two books for Christmas. Technically I read one of them already, but it's a design book and it was technically December 26th so that doesn't count towards this years goal.
It's perfection.
It's funny, insightful, honest.
I'm halfway through.
That never happens.
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So once I'm done with that book, then what?! Oh I've got a list... It's long... And it's all recommended...
By Huffington post... You know the worlds leading book recommender.
The ones I can remember include The Help, To Kill A Mockingbird, On The Road, and a couple others I have floating around my house. The rest I may have to purchase, rent, borrow.
By Huffington post... You know the worlds leading book recommender.
The ones I can remember include The Help, To Kill A Mockingbird, On The Road, and a couple others I have floating around my house. The rest I may have to purchase, rent, borrow.
What are you reading?
This Year
Most of you who've followed for a while know that I have a hard time NOT keeping myself busy. I probably try to do too much. But I honestly do better with more on my plate... It keeps me on my toes.
So this year, just like always, I've got a lot on that plate.
Sometimes it's a bit wobbly, but I try to keep it from falling...
Here are all the places you'll find me this year :
Blogging for Maeve Vintage or at our Warehouse --
If you don't know about my side business, you can read more about it and see our collection here. We rent furniture and accessories for events. It's super fun. It is very time consuming, but it doesn't feel like work when you are having fun.
If you don't know about my side business, you can read more about it and see our collection here. We rent furniture and accessories for events. It's super fun. It is very time consuming, but it doesn't feel like work when you are having fun.
Hosting Creative Chics Events in Fort Wayne --
Last fall I signed on to be a Creative Chics hostess. Creative Chics is a very cool group of gals who are creative {obviously} and small business owners. We provide a fun atmosphere to promote and cheer each other on while gaining friendships along the way! It's been very satisfying and fulfilling meeting the new ladies so far!
Last fall I signed on to be a Creative Chics hostess. Creative Chics is a very cool group of gals who are creative {obviously} and small business owners. We provide a fun atmosphere to promote and cheer each other on while gaining friendships along the way! It's been very satisfying and fulfilling meeting the new ladies so far!
Helping with The Olde East End Revitalization in Fort Wayne --
Our Maeve Landlord has purchased a 30 acre plot of land that has amazing old buildings and spaces on it and I'm one of the lucky peeps who's helping him work through a couple of those buildings... This is a dreamjob volunteer position (for now)
Our Maeve Landlord has purchased a 30 acre plot of land that has amazing old buildings and spaces on it and I'm one of the lucky peeps who's helping him work through a couple of those buildings... This is a dream
Driving back and forth from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne --
Due to the above three items mentioned, I tend to drive back to Fort Wayne at least 2 weekends a month. It's taxing, but all of the above are fun things that don't get me down! They excite me so the driving isn't so bad...and talk about an easy drive, I could probably do it in my sleep. Blogging for The City Moms --
I just posted for them yesterday... My Real Resolutions. Over there, I try to blog about DIY, Décor Trends, and Lifestyle things... Much like what you'll find here, but I'll never post the exact thing only link to and fro.
Working --
I can't quit {yet or maybe ever} so I still go to work everyday... Well most days... Momma gots to pay the bills...
Mothering --
Hanging out with Ells practicing baking, art skills, furniture rearranging (she's good at it too), cleaning up, messing up, then cleaning up more... You know, all the fun mom stuff. And the not so fun stuff too!
Hanging out with Ells practicing baking, art skills, furniture rearranging (she's good at it too), cleaning up, messing up, then cleaning up more... You know, all the fun mom stuff. And the not so fun stuff too!
Wifing --
Is that even a word? Working on bettering my relationship with my husband this year and finding time for us.
Is that even a word? Working on bettering my relationship with my husband this year and finding time for us.
Real Resolutions
I resolve to read more and get pregnant in 2016! Well that was the tease for today's post over at The City Moms! There I'm blogging about my real resolutions since I don't have the extra cash to do all those resolutions I posted yesterday! One can dream... hahhhah.
Check out the post here.
Happy Tuesday!
Check out the post here.
Happy Tuesday!
Resolutions for 2016 if Money Were No Issue
Well we made it to a new year and as I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off last night before I had to go back to work today, I was dreaming of what a new years resolution list would be like if money were no issue...
1. Hire Maid
1. Hire Maid
2. Hire Cleaning Lady-- Yes different from maid, this one would CLEAN my home, Maid would tidy up and fold and put away my laundry so I didn't have to do it every time.
3. Home Gym & Personal Trainer -- get skinny!
4. Find Husband Trainer -- Not so he can get skinny, but so he can learn what's up in the world, like how to change the roll of toilet paper or pickup his clothes or hang up his towels. Like literally training him how to be a decent human being.
5. Hire Assistant
*Occasionally he/she would probably play babysitter too
6. Bring in the Novogratz to redesign my house
*Let's be real, BUY NEW HOUSE (if money were no issue of course)
7. Learn a new language by submerging myself into the culture, like moving to France to learn French.
*Remember money is no issue
8. Quit my job because I'm moving to France
9. Have a baby -- I would adopt one -- and spoil them rotten, if it didn't happen naturally.
10. Travel More
*I've got a list and from France it would obviously be much easier -- London, Paris, Monte Carlo, Germany, & Rome -- Actually I couldn't resist that jingle but yes, Rome, Italy, Germany, China, Japan, Etc... Basically everywhere!
What would your dream new years resolution list be like?! I think I could probably add to this list, but didn't want to seem too needy.
Here's to a happier and funnier 2016!
What would your dream new years resolution list be like?! I think I could probably add to this list, but didn't want to seem too needy.
Here's to a happier and funnier 2016!