

-- Coming From All Different Places --

HoOne thing I love about my guest list is that we have people coming from all over! And when I say all over, I feel like singing that old Boys 2 Men song - London, Paris, Monte Carlo, Germany, and Rome. Different Places Different Faces still it feels like home. At least, I think that was Boys 2 Men.

Anyway, we have guests coming from Canada, Ohio, Indianapolis, Denver, Nashville, LA, California, Florida and probably places I can't even think of right now. I think it's pretty neat how many different places our guests will be coming from. It’s neat that we (mostly Mike) have friends all over the country.

But when it comes to booking blocks of hotel rooms for your out of town guests, how do you go about it? What is the proper amount of rooms to block? What is a good rate? Do you want to include a Brunch the next morning? What are the dos and don’ts for your guests?

Apparently you should always guess higher than what you think you will need. The hotel should agree to hold the rooms under your last names and make sure you use both yours and your fiancés. Also make sure to include all the hotel information in the invitation so that your guests know that you have reserved rooms at “this” hotel for “this” rate. Also include that the rooms will only be held until “this” date. Two weeks to one month before the wedding, the hotel should call you and ask you if you still need the remaining 5 or however many are left and you tell them if you do or not and that’s how this should go!

I just tried It was interesting. You list everything you need - # of rooms, type of rooms, dates, room rate, etc – and then hotels can bid on the block that you are trying to get. We will see how it goes. Mike may be calling soon to negotiate for a room rate for all these guests! ;)

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