

-- I sold my dress --

It's about time.  
If you don't remember, I had two dresses.  I blogged about it here -- The drama of the dresses.  We found a great deal down here at a bridal shop.  Fit well, was very sassy...actually I had a bit of a hard time taking it to the post office yesterday, but what was I going to do with it?!?  I mean it's not like there are many things you can do with a wedding dress. 

Although, I have recently seen pictures of men who are taking the wedding dresses of their ex wives and doing horrific things to them!  It's actually quite funny!  But I wouldn't have done anything like that.  And another popular thing to do right now are those Trash the Dress sessions with your photographers...where you splatter paint all over them or food or run into the ocean or dirt or anything to completely ruin your dress.  I think I'd have a heart attack.  We've already had a scare like that! 
I'll let you know more on that later!

So say goodbye to 1058b by was nice to know you and thanks for hanging in my house for a while!  You were pretty!  But now the funds made from you will go to buy other things for this crazy wedding!  :)
days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 17


-- Our Song --

One more thing I can check off the list!  Yay! 

Can you believe that Mike and I have been together for over 5 years and we don't have a song.  Mike always grabs me in the kitchen to dance and hums that song Close to you, but he doesn't know any of the words so I'm not going to count it.  Plus, I don't really like it...  We never dance to anything else.  And he's always being silly. 

But I guess you'll just have to wait and see what was chosen when I give the recap of the entire wedding day!  :)  It's a good one...I promise! 

days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 18


-- Programs --

Last minute happenings are going on right now...

I'm working on the programs...  I'm hoping for a paddle fan.  Since the church doesn't have air conditioning, I feel this will be a safe bet and a liked one by all!  :)  I just finished them in black and white and I'm wondering if I need to add color to them...hmmm....

I thought I'd do them in green and brown, with some twine tied around the stick, but I can't find a place to print them on Green or brown paper...I'll supply it.  Ugh...another speed bump on this slow road with not much time left...

days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 19


-- I did it again --

Yes I did.

I said I'd blog everyday for the next 30 days and I didn't. Yesterday we went to Mike's friend Mike's wedding in Oxford Ohio. I don't think I've ever known someone to have so many friends of the same name.

We were actually talking about this at the table...Kate, the wife one of Mike's not name Mike friends, was saying that she has 3 weddings to go to the next 3 of 4 weekends and all of the grooms are named Mike. Apparently the lady at Bed Bath and Beyond was giving her a hard time. But yes it's true...of the ones I am aware of there are at least 5 in the group of friends. And I'm sure I'm leaving someone out.

Anyways, we went to their wedding yesterday and I was preparing for my Launch party (which is tomorrow -- be looking for pictures to come) in the other time we were home, but we didn't get home until 3 am last night. So I do apologize for the missed blog. Hopefully we'll get back on track here.

I almost missed tonight too.


days remaining of unwedded bliss - 20 AHHHHH!!!!



-- Happy Birthday to Me --

Just a mini post.... It's my birthday...

It's 25 forever from now on, right?!?

What to do?!?! I think I'll go to see Festival on Ice tonight... To cheer on my students!

Looking for something to do in Indianapolis...There'll be a great Ice Skating Show at the Carmel Ice Skadium Tonight starting at 5:30. 
Tickets $5

-- Diary of a Mad Bride --

One of my goals for this year was to read more... Well, I don't know how well that is going. I think I've finished 3 books in the last 6 months. I guess that's probably better than normal. 

Anyways, Diary of a Mad Bride by Lara Wolf was the perfect book to read leading up to this wedding. The last 60 pages of the book were completely relevant to MY wedding and I felt like Amy and I were in the same boat! Then I had to remind myself that we weren't friends and that she was a character in a book. Wow...but we've been together for like 3 months! lol. I kept opening up that book and I was right there with her with all the ups, downs, and laughs of the wedding planning process. 

Here is the synopsis of the book:
My wedding was starting in less than twenty minutes, and I was stuck in a 7-Eleven parking lot with popcorn kernels wedged in my gums and vanilla ice cream melting on my dress. It was a disaster too large to comprehend. After an agonizing year spent planning my wedding, could it really end like this? The voices chronicling a year of wedding hysteria swirled in my head....— My grandmother upon viewing my engagement ring. 
“What do you mean he gave you an emerald! Diamonds are eternal, emeralds say, maybe five years.
— My future father-in-law on the night of my engagement party:

“To a happy marriage and, if necessary, a painless divorce!”

— My best friend, Anita:

-"Oh, screw congratulations. Of course I’m happy for you. Stephen’s a major piece of ass and he’s got a sense of humor. Just as long as you’re certain this is what you want.”

Would I survive this day after all....?
I'm sure you'll love it!
I can't wait to read the follow up called Diary of a Mad Mom-To-Be...but don't be getting any ideas!

Days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 22


-- Fried Chicken --

Well, Mr. K is actually being helpful...that's Mike if you are new to reading this blog. He's cleaning 1 room in the house this week everyday. Last night was our bathroom. And he actually did a pretty good job of it...

Minus the fact that he didn't put any of the things that he took out into our bedroom while he cleaned in back into the bathroom, but I guess we'll let that one slide this time. Hey...the tub is clean, right?! I have to look at the bright side!

Speaking of bright sides...lets talk tanning. I know, cleaning to tanning...strange segway, but I'm doing it none-the-less! ha ha. So we bought a tanning package and of course I've been so busy that I've been all of 3x. My whole thing is, I don't want to look like fried chicken, but more of a glowing bride, right?! I feel like my upper body has that glowy feel, but not my legs... Anyone have thoughts on how to get your legs tan? Esp for when we go on our honeymoon. Aruba does not want to see these white thighs. 

Also, are there any readers out there? Did I tell you about our honeymoon yet? I'm getting ready to double check our plans and I thought that might be a nice little blog set for tomorrow, but I'm seriously losing my mind so if I did, I don't want to do it again. Blah I go blabbering again.

Loving my new jewelry. If you need anything to wear for summer weddings, you can find it here.  I recommend the Collette or the Rachel for the "Little Black Dresses" I know you are all wearing to the summer weddings...  I'm sure I'll see plenty at mine.  Or if you have a nice hot pink or orange dress then I recommend Garden Party!  LOVE!!! 

days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 23


-- Let's Chat --

If you stop by today or tomorrow or any day, please feel free to leave a comment!

Comments are always welcome...even the bad ones...although, I hope there aren't too many of those!

Stay a while and check it all out!

Search the blog, I'm sure there's something here for you...

And then tell me what it is!

I'd love to hear from you!!!

And I'd love to know what you think of the semi-recent redesign!

Love, Abs

-- The Final Count-down? --

Can you add music to this?!?  Mike loves that know...who's it by?  I don't know, but it goes...The final countdown...Du do Du do....Du dud dud Du.... whatever.  It's a song...and very fitting.  But yea, so who's coming?!?  If you are a reader of the blog and you were invited and you haven't returned your RSVP, could you kindly let me know if we can expect you to have a good ol' time with us on July 17th?!?

PS, we get free fireworks (if we can see them) thanks to the Three Rivers Festival. 

But here we are...2 days past the deadline...and there are 54 outstanding RSVPs...  I'm not holding it against anyone, but I am starting to wonder if you are coming.  :)  I'd really like to have you there! 

Did anyone else have this problem?  Well, I don't want people to think they are problems, but this issue?  I'm just trying to figure out seating charts (who am I kidding...I'm not doing that), headcounts for the caterer, # of favors to make, etc and I can't because I'm at a loss on about 100 people... so...

Are you coming to the wedding?! 

I hope everyone got their invitations...  Here come the ulcers again!  And headaches!  And stresses!  Ugh.  What if the invitations didn't make it to the appropriate places?  Sorry, but you'll be getting a very lovely replacement EVITE.  :)  I'm out of actual invites.  Plus, they were kind of a pain to make... well not really, but I am over it at the moment.  No time! 

So, can you let me know if you are coming to the party?  And those of you who can't make it, we are sorry you can't make will be missed!  We'll have you over for dinner after the wedding! 

Days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 24


-- Yay Mom --

While home this weekend my mom said yes!  She said I could do something for her...  Actually, she said she would do something for herself. 

She told me that I could make an etsy shop for her!  YAY!!!  When we were home for my bridal shower a couple of weekends ago, I joked with her that I had already done this.  See, my mom has made me a brooch bouquet for the wedding.  She made it all by herself.  We searched antique shoppes, eBay, grandmas basement, Uncle Ed's Etsy Shop, and many other places for unique brooches to put on this thing.

I've written about brooch bouquets before and my mom was like, "Well, I could make that."  And for the longest time she kept saying she could do it, but we decided not to and then one day she was like LETS DO IT!  :)  So the search began.  And now, she's going to hopefully do it for other brides as well.  She has gotten nothing but compliments on this bouquet.  She'll make them in any colors, and she'll even seek out the brooches for you if you don't have a grouping of your own!  However, you can send her your own brooches if you have them! 

It's still in the early stages so the etsy shop has not quite been set up yet, but this has all stemmed from the process of her first born getting married....oh Tammi Jo.  :)  The other thing we need is a name.  We aren't quite sure what to call her lovely new entrepreneurial endeavor.  I thought maybe the names of her 2 girls "Abigail Elizabeth Designs" or maybe her initials "TJ Designs"  or "Old is New Again Bouquets."  None seem to have the elegance and sass that Tammi herself has nor say what we want them to say. 

Taking Name Suggestions!!!  Send them My Way...and if you are interested in a brooch bouquet, then email me at for the time being and I'll be glad to send you more information!!! 

Days remaining of unwedded bliss - 25


-- Weather Permitting --

Can anyone tell me what's up with the weather? We've had horrible thunderstorms for the last 3 weeks straight and I've got the bruises to prove it! Yes, you read that correctly. I have bruises on my legs from running into tables in my house running back and forth from the windows to the closet to the weather radio during the Severe Thunderstorm Warnings, Tornado Warnings and Special Weather Statements!

It's storming right now.

(view from my desk)

At the moment, my wedding dress, shoes, jewelry, passports, honeymoon information, wedding planner and all wedding contracts are currently in my downstairs coat closet to be as safe as possible from the pop up tornadoes that are everyday occurrences around here lately!

My leg has this horrific bruise and did have a bump on it from running into the corner of the sofa table while trying to scoop up Louie and take cover from the what could have been tornado but only ended up being major 73 mph wind gusts! I'll consider that a mini-tornado.

I hope there are no storms like this on my wedding day or I may have a heart attack and more bruises on my body than necessary! :)

Days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 26


-- Happy Father's Day --

Came home today for Father's Day and my daddy ins't home.. :(   He's working.  Boo. 

Sitting with mom, brothers, and sister around the new IKEA table and working on wedding stuff and selling some Stella & Dot Jewelry. 

I think my brother should do it... haha. :)  He laughed! 

Happy Father's Day
Days remaining of unwedded bliss -- 27


-- Ready Registries --

Today I was looking at my registries thinking... Hmm...should I add more?  Do more people bring gifts to a wedding or cash?  I don't know.  Some people have told me that people usually bring cash, but then I know that others have said people think you want everything on your registries so they look there as well.  I don't know.  Thoughts???

I feel like there isn't really that much stuff that we NEED. We need upgrades on a lot of things and you can't put a screen door, fence, and patio on a registry!  lol.  So I guess I'll wait and see.  They say you should have 2-3 items for each guest that is coming...I definitely don't have that (sorry guests)!  It's just hard when there aren't things that you really NEED.  I'm a needer, not a wanter.  Usually... I do WANT my patio, fence, and screen door, but they will all come after the wedding. 

How many items did you put on your registry or registries?  Here's what I have...  I know it's not enough, but I can't just put crazy things I don't want OR need.  Ya know?
Target - 19 and gift cards -- definitely could add to this one
BBB -  82
Crate and Barrel -  33 

I can't wait for these bills to be done with!  Wedding day bills are kinda sucky!  They make it impossible to plan for other things...OH, that's are supposed to be planning for your wedding, not the 50 other things that I'm doing!  ha ha. 

This weekend we are going home to visit the parentals (yes, I was just home last weekend) and for Father's day.  I hope everything goes smoothly because it will be a short trip!  Saturday evening to Sunday evening.  Those are the worst.  You try to fit in both families on a semi-holiday weekend during less than 24 hours...yea, that's what I though.  The worst!  Oh well, it is what it is! 

Days remaining of unwedded bliss - 28


-- Wedding Chicks Real Brides --

So yesterday I was checking my facebook as I usually do and I had also decided to post on my WC Brides page earlier in the day.  I posted my Thoughts on Bridal Jewelry entry just thinking it would be a great place to showcase the gorgeous jewels that I'm working with now.  I looked and I saw a post from the Wedding Chicks that said  -- -- Thoughts on Bridal Jewelry -- Posted by WC Bride Abby. 

I thought to myself, is that me?!?  Well, I guess it must be. 

That was fun for me today!  I was pretty excited when I saw it!  What a great little platform!  :)  Yay for me!


Thanks Josey and Amy! 

Days remaining of unwedded bliss (wink) -- 29


-- I'm going to... --

Since today is exactly 30 days until the day of our wedding I'm setting a pretty high goal for myself...
Especially because I really have NOTHING going on...right.
I'm going to blog at least 1x a day for the next 30 days...
I know I've said this before, but this time I mean it! 
They may not all be long, but they will be here so come on back and see them!
And they'll all be something regarding the wedding...sneak peaks, questions, worries, you name it!
Today's post...

War Wounds --
Last night we had a great time shooting around town with Amanda and Kyle.  They rock!  Can't wait to see what they come up with!  :)  However, this morning I woke up with these crazy welts on my arm?!?  I'm guessing I must have been allergic to some of the grasses we were laying in or something...IDK.  Oh well...War wounds for the artwork to give to friends and have around the house!  Well worth it!  At least they don't itch!

Days remaining of unwedded bliss (wink) -- 30


-- Any Readers Out there? --

Just wondering if there were any readers out there...

Leave a comment if you do and one of your favorite blogs... 
I'm always looking for New and Exciting blogs! 



-- Thoughts on Bridal Jewelry --

Not sure what to blog about today... I think I'll have to start a blog calendar. Some days I have so much, and others, not so much.

I think I'll write about what I'm wearing today... Today I'm wearing this lovely gorgeous Stella Ring! It's the Vintage Cluster Ring! The one on the right with all the pearls on it! 
I'm getting so excited to wear my jewels!!! 30 days can't be over soon enough!  I think that's what we are down to.  I'm going to be wearing all Stella & Dot Jewelry which really worked out well for me...  I was longing for a STATEMENT necklace.  Does anyone remember me on my search?  I know Stacey does.  She offered up so many ideas and I think I said "No, that's not really it," to every single one.  Thanks for the constant enduring through my looking though Stace!  You sure are a trooper!  I wanted something that was a statement, but still had that classic elegance and didn't take away from my dress...because lets face it.  I love my dress!  And if you didn't get a chance to read about my dress and the drama that unfolded with that, then you should...see here. 
But I'd seen many of the Stella necklaces before...I just never really thought they were for me.  Or wait...I should rephrase that.  I ALWAYS thought they were for me, but I always, I'll wait.  I'm a waiter...Not literally waiting on people, well, sometimes 5 year olds in Snowplow Sam classes (ice skating) but I mean like I wait so long to get things that they are usually gone.  Except antiques, those seem to stick around for a while.  Wierd, I know.  Anyways, I digress...I'm good at that. 
Other good Bridal Pieces might be..
Bardot Flower (Left) - $39
St. Tropez Statement Necklace (Right)- $178

Stackable Deco Rings - $49

The Collet Necklace - $138

Sofia Pearl Bib Necklace - $118
All jewelry available here
Which one do you think I'll be wearing???

I'm still looking for some paisley fabric to use as table runners or something to break up the look of the tables and add some interest.  I also need to figure out how to decorate the church...any ideas?  I'm at a loss.  I had a ton of GREAT ideas and they've all just gone kind of kuplutz.  That's enough for today since this was supposed to be posted like 8 hours ago! 

I hope everyone had a great Tuesday! 


-- Semi-Successes and Bridal Shower --

Well the garage sale was a semi-success.  We made more than I did at the last one, but we still didn't do very well.  The weather was a major bummer, I think the fact that it stormed, it was so HOT AND HUMID, and our garage was in the back all played major factors in the lessening of our successes, but oh well.  I kept what I didn't really want to sell and everything else was loaded on up into the cars and taken immediately to goodwill once we were done selling! 

This is Lex just hanging out in the driveway waiting for customers.

Then Sunday I had a bridal shower that my Aunt Karen and Grandma hosted for me.  Again, it was HOT.  Hot, sticky, and stormy.  Lovely.  But all in all, it was a good time.  I got many of the things on my Registries --- for those of you who are wondering I registered at Crate and Barrel, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target.  There was great food, great company, and NO GAMES!!!  Love it! 

My Aunt also made this cake for me! 
It's made out of towels. 

And here's the bouquet that we'll use for the rehearsal! 

All in all it was a good weekend while Mike was having his fun in Vegas.  I'm  hoping he makes it home OK today! 


-- Hoping for Some Smooth Sale-ing --

My sister came down this weekend to help me with our community garage sale!  Well initially she came down to help me then it worked out that I actually have to work a half day today and give lessons so really, she's on her own.  We also used her as a chauffeur yesterday!  ha ha. 

But we were up until past 12:30 last night with marking and organizing and whatnot!  I'm hoping this thing isn't a bust!  Plus it's supposed to rain. "T-storms go away, come again another day, little Abby wants to have a good selling day!"  I don't know if I've ever shown a picture of my house before, but our garage is in the back...

(Please don't judge that the last picture I have of my house is snowy! Now I'm going to go home and take a picture of it now because my plants look so good....I'm so proud of all my bargains from last year!!!)

See... you can't see a garage.  So we have to have signs that say HUGE SALE IN BACK!!!  I'm hoping they'll walk around!!!  And I'm hoping they don't step in dog doo on the way!  lol

Last weekend I went home to my mom's house to meet with the church musical coordinator and (that's another story...maybe tomorrow) while I was up there, I went through their house for anything and everything they could get rid of.  I wouldn't say they are collectors or pack rats or anything like that, but they had four kids for goodness sakes and there was just a lot of stuff that needed to be gone through.  I also went through my Grandparent's basement specifically for items for the garage sale but also to help them actually get it out of their house!!!  The only deal is...ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T SELL IS GOING TO GOODWILL!!! 

The whole idea is to make a couple of bucks for the wedding if you are catching my drift!  So wish us luck and I hope it goes well because our garage sure is stocked full of SH***....  :)  Sorry kids.  But you know what they say, One person's trash is another person's treasure! 

Happy Hunting!


-- Hello Gorgeous!!! --

One day at the end of last month I woke up and thought --

Uh Oh! I'm getting Married!  What will I do when this is all over?!?!"
Plan Weddings? -- No, I think I'll take a break. 
Tend to a garden? -- No, No yard.
Get a new puppy? -- Mike won't let me. 
No.  No.  No.  I think I'll try something a bit on and a bit off of my radar! 

Say hello to

A Sassafrass Jewelry Line for the working woman who loves to accessorize!  I'm going to try it and see what happens...

Dumm Dummm Dummm (Think big loud drums.... not like price is right incorrect price or loser sound)
Yes, we'll just see...

Check out their line at here or if you want to host a trunk show or something, contact me at

I mean seriously...I have 39 days to line up the rest of my life after I get married, right?  I better get going! 

All images from except frown


-- Still to do --

Does the list ever get shorter???

So I still need to get Mike a ring...better get that one done quick!  Well, he won't pick one...  And I still need to figure out what I'm doing for a guestbook.  I need go to my floral places and check on my orders since I'm doing all that myself. 

The flowers will be a lot like this but with those ivory ikea vase that I've shown before and brown painted milk vases.

Do you ever wonder why you chose to do the things you did?!  And think you knew you should have done things differently when you did them and wonder why you didn't do them the way you should have anyways?!  That's where I am right now.  Ugh.  I think that's why my list is so freaking long!  Because it's all me!  At least my sister is home now. 

I need to finish up programs now.  I need to figure out what's going on with the church and reception decor.  I need to make sure that we get the most awesome bridesmaid bouquets that I've ever seen finished!  They are absolutly so cool.  Cant' wait to share them!  And I can't wait to share the bouquet that my mom made for me either!  She's an absolute crafty genious!  I don't know why she doesn't do these all the time!

Look for these to be used! 

Get the marriage license, check on the honeymoon travel plans, figure out our song, send a song list to the dj, attend my bridal shower, purchase thank you cards, finalize bridesmaid accessories, finish up gifts, and that's it for now.  But the list keeps growing.  Can you tell I'm stressed?  Thank god for this Solodyn or I'd be breaking out all over!!! 

OH!!! And I need to tan...I'm whiter than a ghost! 

T Minus 2 Months!!!

Invites are out.

Veil is ordered.
Dress is being altered.
Hair is set up.
Photographer is almost fully paid for.

DJ is almost fully paid for.
Meeting with the Music Man for the ceremony on June 1st. <-- That was two days ago, I know... I started this post back like 10 days ago and forgot to finish it! OOPS!

Shower on the 13th!
Engagment Pictures with Amanda on the 16th!
Adam and Jillian's wedding on the 19th. Congrats!
Ice Skating Show (Festival on Ice - Carmel Ice Skadium) on the 25th!
I turn 26th on the 25th!
Ice Skating competition on the 26th.
Kinnnick's Wedding on the 26th. <--Yay for Mike and Jessica!
Then what?!!? I think that's about it for June!