

-- Chicago --

Ok, so I just have to share some of the new items that I learned about this weekend at Stella & Dot Back to Basics Bootcamp in Chicago. 
First of all, Jessica Herrin is absolutely lovely.  I think I love her.  I know I say that about a lot of people, but I really find her story inspiring.  It also makes me think more and more that I should have gotten a degree in graphic design or computer technology of somesort. 

Anyways, Jessica was one of the top 10 featured entreprenuers in Inc 500 this month.  And Stella & Dot was one of the top 100 fastest growing companies.  Jessica shared her story about starting The Wedding Channel website which became one of my Greatest friends during my wedding planning process...all my registries were through there..., how that website was then bought by The Knot, which also became a close friend o' mine, and then how someone told her that you can't build a great BUSINESS by just doing startups you will need to know what it's like to work in a big company.  So she went to work for DELL and then decided she wanted to start a jewelry line. 

At first it was called LUXE Jewels.  Then after a couple of years of literally making jewelry in her living room, she met with a designer, got some investors, and Voila - Meet Stella & Dot

I'm a sucker for these kind of stories.  I love smart savvy women.  I hope to be one someday.  haha.  But seriously, don't you think it's funny when you hear that all these people just had an idea and wouldn't take no for an answer?!  I love that!  Now, if I only had an idea... 

But we also got to see some of the new products that were just launched last week!  They are very cool, hip, and loveable!  The best are these leather bracelets!  I think they are the best because they can be catered to just about any age group!  You can buy one or 3... the layering aspect is very cool, especially right now. 

Get them HERE!!!

There are also some lovely new delicate options...  See all new arrivals here.  :) 
Make your wish list while you look here!!!  :)  The holidays are just around the corner. 

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