

-- Carmel Antiquities --

So I had yesterday off from work and usually on my unusual days off (meaning not regular days off), I go exploring.  And by exploring I mean to the usual thrift shops and/or antique stores.  So why would this day be any different?

After I had exhausted myself with laundry, I headed for downtown Carmel (a cute little town) en route to a booth at the Carmel Antique Mall.  I've been seeing this "Syd & Harpers" on craigslist for quite some time now and my mom even mentioned it to me the other day so I thought, why not search it out.  They have this amazing settee that I've been dying to see... if only I had a place to put it.  It's on the bottom of my NEED list (but really in my heart it's at the top!). 

After I looked there and wanted everything but couldn't figure out a place for anything in my house, I just browsed around and came across a few other things.  These furs were just calling my name.  If I'd had someone with me, I'd have made them take a picture of me in one of them.  I love old furs... not sure why, but I totally do. 

Then I came across this picture which I'm thinking would make for a neat accent picture on my wall of pictures that I'm hoping to do up the stairs.  I think it would be really neat in the middle of all kinds of family photos...

I also saw these for our yard next year!  Ha!  Yea, right... Mike was getting a little worked up that people were taking pictures in front of our halloween house last year... how do you think these would go over?!  ;)

This map was pretty cool.  I kind of have a thing for vintage maps which I know are very "in" right now, but I've always liked them.  You may remember the one I found at a Noblesville Antique Mall last year.  It sits at the top of my steps (until I get my walls painted and then it will hang).  However, the price tag on this one made me cringe.  Read the note below the picture... apparently it's very old!  Like 1777 old!  And was actually manufactured in England.  WOAH!

And then these just creeped me out a little.  This entire booth was filled with dolls.  The Scarlett O'Hara Madame Alexander doll didn't freak me out at all, but the amount of dolls that were in this case just wasn't right. 

So that was my MLK Jr day.  Then we went to Noodles and Co (YUMM) for dinner and then the grocery.  All in all, a good day!

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