

-- Chic Affordable Wedding Dresses --

I know it's not Wedding Wednesday, but I was playing around on Polyvore this morning trying to come up with an outfit to post and when I put in The Limited, I came across these...
Did you know that The Limited offered wedding dresses? Wish I had known this when I was looking!!! These are great! Below are just two examples, but there are plenty more.
They also offer event dresses, wedding party dresses, and wedding guest dresses. I really didn't know they offered all these things.

This is a cute little black one... off the shoulder, could be used with the off the shoulder wedding dress featured above.
I think I must be thinking white in preparation for the supposed snow storm that is coming tonight/tomorrow!  Yay! 

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you could get a wedding dress at the Limited! Crazy! I love the one on the left, simple and elegant! Gorgeous!
