

Not Typically a Star Wars Fan

OK, so I know I'm late to the game, but I just couldn't go without talking about the cutest little Darth Vader ever! 

Did you see the commercial that everyone is talking about?  I know when we were watching and we saw it, Mike said to me "Don't you hope we have kids like that?  That dress up in all kinds of different costumes?"  So if anyone wants to go ahead and start sending me those costumes now, feel free!  And yes, our kiddos will be the ones at the store in princess costumes and Superman and Batman costumes or always wearing a cape!  Why hinder their creativity? 

So anyways... if you didn't see it here are some pictures...
Basically the Mini Darth is trying to make things do what he wants them to... and not having much luck...



Until the end when he goes out to his dad's car (which has automatic start) and he looks at the car, reaches his hands out, and it starts and the lights flash on...
While the dad pushes the button from inside the house.
And here he is after that happens...


Cutest Commercial Ever
These things make me excited to have kids...
Just not yet.

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