


Makes me want to sing... you? No? Oh.

Moving on.

I recently inherited two trunks from my parents.  One was either my Great Grandma Hubbard or Great Grandma Schenkel's Hope/Cedar Chest.  I say one of my Great Grandmother's because when we were discussing me taking it, it came out that my mother and my father were both confused on who THEY actually inherited it from.  ;)  I found this funny.  I don't know so I was no help!  Either way it's an antique AND it's a family heirloom.  Check and Check. 

Here is a before picture of our office.  We've I've always wanted to have a bench seat in there.  I just thought it would open it up more. 

So here's my quick fix.  I'm hoping to add some wall mounted sconces just outside of the drapes and then I need to figure something out about (1) the color of the chest and (2) the extra space on the sides... but I think it looks so much better! 

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