

Royal Week - Monday Edition

Well, well, well... It's almost here.  Can you believe that William and Kate will be getting married this weekend?!?  It feels like it was just yesterday when I was dreaming about becoming Will's princess.  Guess I missed out!  ;)

Everyday this week I'll be featuring something Royal.  If for nothing else, for my mother!  A true Royal Fan!  She's in love with them all and was especially in love with Diana.  She even bought the Royal Wedding Book from when Charles and Diana were married... AND got up in the middle of the night to watch it (remember... there wasn't DVR back then and that is for sure what I'll be doing)!  If anyone watched The Middle this past week, Frankie totally reminded me of my mother, except she doesn't buy the plates and teacups. 

But there are so many items that you can buy!  It's unreal!  I was even in Bath & Body Works last week and they had certain items done up in the British Flag to get into the spirit.  Wow.  Are you thinking about buying anything?  Well, if you are, here are a few suggestions from Etsy. 

First, I guess you need the ring, right?  Well, you can have it a replica!  This one is only $23.75!  Much much less than what I'm sure Diana's original engagement ring cost!  But it's all yours from Bristol Treasures UK

This magnet is from Steam Punkabilly on Etsy.  Pretty designs by Mels Brushes in green, red and blue to help bring the Royal Wedding celebration to your home, office or locker!

I love these photo booth props that are Royal Wedding themed!  How fun, right?  They are from Paper & Cake! Wish I had a photo booth to use them in!  What would you do with these?

If you are having a party, you could use these invites!  How cute!  These are from 76th Street Ink.  I like that they are very simple!  Are any of you having parties?  Planning on wearing special hats?  Or planning on just having tea while watching?  Hmmm....

If you are having a party, then you definitely need this decorative garland from Happy Thought.  It's perfect for Will & Kate and hopefully they'll have a happily ever after!

But then in the end, remember that it's only a wedding... and if you need a reminder, then you need this!  :)  From Eighteen9, this is uber cheap and uber cute! 

Here's to Will & Kate! 

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