

My New Hallway

Happy Monday Blog Hogs! 

Did you love those specials from last week?!?  I hope I win something!  :)
I know I left an itinerary of my blog posts this week at the end of Friday's post... and I'm going to do them... just a little out of the order they were listed...

Here's what I proposed and the changes -
Monday - My DIY Doormat  My New Hallway
Tuesday - Bedroom Update and Link Party
Wednesday - Eighties Skating Show Recap
Thursday - Hallway/Entryway Update   My DIY Doormat and Front Porch Updates
Friday - The Hangover Review <-- Still a possibility, but if not, Creating a Mini Patio

So onto the hallway progression....

In February I purchased a groupon for the painting of a 10x12 room.  I figured I could paint my own rooms, but my staircase not so much.  So before I purchased it, I called the company offering it and asked them if I could use it towards a stairway instead of a room and they said sure thing.  I just had to buy the paint. 

I was so excited to get this painted!  I've been waiting for forever and the groupon expired in June... I knew that I had to get it done.  You may remember my hall from our Home Tour (part 1).  Here it is with my DIY Sunburst Mirror being used as a Christmas Card holder. 

I set up the appointment and Hector showed up at my door Friday morning.  He put his earphones in and just painted away... and away.... and away.... 3 gallons later {even though he told me to go and buy a 4th because he needed it and never used it} and 7 hours later, my hallway went from looking like this...

To this...

To this...

It was 5:30 in the morning when I took this picture before I headed off to work.
It was all I had to clean off the top of the buffet, so please don't judge the shoe mess underneath.
I haven't figured out a good shoe method yet...besides always taking them upstairs to the closet. 
I am in love with it!  What do you think?

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