

Raisin' for Red

Have I ever told you about my fear of tornadoes?  During the storm season, I live in this closet. 

These are candles, batteries, a weather radio, and our important documents... I picked up some bills and our marriage certificate... don't judge.

Have I told you about my sister's fear of tornadoes? She lives in Memphis - Tornado Alley - and recently we told her to write her name and a contact phone number on her hand just in case.  I know it sounds somber, but you never know and apparently we've peeved Mother Nature pretty bad. 
Look what she did...

After these last few rounds of tornadoes that have hit the south I'm forever keeping my closet cleaned out. We don't have a basement in our home now.  In our next home that's a definitely must (along with a few other things too).  But since I'll be keeping my closet clean this storm season and those who were hit recently don't have closets to keep clean right now, I'm hoping to give back a bit. 

So I'm Raisin' for Red - The Red Cross that is!

During the Month of May I'll be donating 15% of online sales (Stella & Dot) to the Red Cross.  Now, I'll be honest... I've done this before and no one has participated.  I'm hoping that if you have something on your wish list, you'll act now and give back to the community down there!  Lord knows they need it!
I love to help out!  This is one way that I can!  I'm going to send this out to all my friends and I'd love for you to share as well. 
On top of giving 15% of all online purchases, I'll send you a $5 off coupon for your next purchase! 
Now that's a deal... I'm giving back to you too! For helping the cause! 

Get your favorite items here.
When prompted for a hostess, type Red (first) Cross (last) and that's how I'll know to give the 15%! 

Any questions... please let me know!  :)

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