

Gotta Get With It

Well, it's official...
I'm out of it! 

I think I'm doing to much... at the moment.  At least for me.  I think in a couple of weeks I'll be OK... but at the moment, I'm feeling like a sinking ship!

Between skating, Stella, and my real job...
Being a housewife and a home keeper in the evenings...
And not ever sleeping anymore...
I'm over it!

I haven't exercised in 2 weeks - MUST DO SOON!  I'm so tired!  I'm achy!  Ugh... Being busy can get old real fast... and I thought I was taking a break this summer!  NOT!!! Mr. K is working on something at night that takes computer time all evening.  I'm trying to keep my unorganized chaos of a life organized - not working so well - and smile while doing it. 

But since to me the theme here is organization or lack there of... I'm going to share some organizing tips today that hopefully I'll be able to fully implement and will allow for more snooze time... or at least to finish my latest book! 

So... let's Get with it!  Let's tackle the Paper Clutter!

These are a generalization of some tips that I read over at Honey We're Home a week or so ago!  Love her blog!  It's so "perfect!"  Maybe if I follow her tips, I could give that illusion at my house!  It's not an illusion at hers, but I'd settle for illusion at this point! 

{1} Mail - Get rid of the Junk right away!

Isn't Mail the worst?!?  Remember when you used to love getting mail?  Before it was only bills and junk mail?  Those were the days!  Now, it's bills, bills, bills... welcome to the big girl life!  I'm pretty good at this tip - Mr. K - not so much.  He just leaves the entire pile!  Ugh!  Need to train him better! 
Once you've gotten rid of the junk at least sort the rest into piles - Bills, Magazines, Etc.  Then it's easier to widdle your way through the much smaller pile! 

{2} Get a File Organizer
Wait to go and purchase any new supplies until you've sorted through your papers so that you have a better idea of what you'll really need.  1.  Get all your papers in one place where you'll have room to sort.
2.  Sort the items by like categories.

3.  For filing purposes, break those categories down even farther into subcategories. 
4.  When you are ready - Create labels!

You can even have multiple filing boxes.  In my cases, I think I'd have HOME, SKATING, HOCKEY, STELLA, and then a small one for Receipts & Coupons. 

{3} Receipts & Coupons

All you need is one of those mini accordion file folders that will fit in your purse.  I used to have this and it works well!  It's since been lost - hence why we are going over organization! <-- Story of my life = LOST! 

Label each little file with specific store names or type of coupons like Grocery or Home Improvement.  This will set everything up to be used when you are at a certain store or want to purchase from a certain store!  They are ready and waiting and at your fingertips!  All you have to do is cut them out and sort them... and in my case, put the file back in my purse! 

Look at this one that attaches to your shopping cart!


I think three procedures are enough to start with!  I'm thinking about documenting my organization process... it definitely needs some refining and who wouldn't love to share and maybe learn something in the process! 

** Don't forget to enter my Birthday Giveaway **
*Ends June 26th*

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