

Mood Board Monday - Mom & Dad's Bedroom Idea

Happy Monday Everyone! 

I swear... the weekends are just way too short... or maybe I just try to fit too much into them! 
I have a good handful of updates to talk about this week from the weekend!  Progress was made around the house!  YAY!!!

But now for progress elsewhere!  My parent's bedroom! 
I have been thinking about working on this with my mother for a long time now, but I figured a mood board would be a good place to start. 

My mom is a good mix of modern and traditional as far as her style goes.  As far as her personality, it's a bit kooky, funny, and lovey - she does some mean impersonations and noises - I'm just sayin'.

Her house is a mix of tans, browns, gray blues, and creams and it's actually quite lovely!  Everyone loves it when they come over!  She recently just redid her kitchen and it is in those colors too and it does look FABULOUS!!!  She has a great sense of style so when I asked her the other day what colors she was thinking in her bedroom, she told me same as the rest of the house so it would flow.  I have to say, I agree it will be nice!  And she said she'd like an upholstered bed. 

So here's what I came up with! 

Parent's Bedroom Makeover

Colors towards the middle might be paint options... if she doesn't like those maybe the blue-gray colors could play in there instead.  I like the dark grayish one shown here. 

The Chocolate curtains kind of anchor the room against the cream and light colored furniture. 

LOVE the love script ottomans at the end of the bed. 

Art would be ivories and wood tone pieces.

And maybe I'd add some more mirror accents in here...

What do you guys think? 
I think I like. 
Maybe I see a makeover in the future...

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