

Nursery Progress { DIY Mobile Part One }

I have been looking for mobiles everywhere.  It seems what I really want is not available.  I'd like something simple, coordinating, and easy on the eyes.  I've come across the DIY paint chip mobiles plenty of times now so I thought I'd give it a try...

Below are two examples that I found out there - This is what they should look like in the end...
Now, whether mine will look like that is another story.  Each are a bit different.  The first one has the circles sewn together so that they hang up and down.  The second has them strung together and the circles then lay on their sides. 

I went to Michael's to get a circular punch.  Don't worry, I used a 40% off coupon. 

I will say that it's not my favorite thing to use...actually it's quite tiring and it didn't even get the edges super crisp.  Darn you Martha!  I usually have faith, but I am not completely happy with this one. 

Anyways, I picked up a good amount of paint chips at Home Depot the other day with a friend while we were on our lunch break.  I brought them home and punched circles out of them. 

Then I had to paint the embroidery hoops that I will be hanging the circles from. 

I took them from nude

To white

Now I have the circles and need to get out my sewing machine to see if I can swing that one... otherwise they'll just be strung together like above!

We shall see...
Since that will be a huge feat to get the sewing machine out and working again there will have to be "part two" of the mobile.  And don't expect it too soon... I fear my sewing machine.  :o(

**Update** Decided against sewing and went with clear fishing wire...
Here's a sneak preview! 
And Please don't judge the Blackberry evening photo!

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