

12 Days of Christmas { Interior Decor }

It's not exactly what I'd like, but it does feel Christmas-y in my house!
I believe that holiday decor is something that is acquired over time.  I can see the difference in how much we have now compared to when we first moved in. 

Got these little hope and wish signs at Wal-Mart a few years back.  They've made their way around my living room. 

This is our tablescape that you may have seen earlier in the week.  The ornaments and candlesticks are new this year.  The Snow globes, made by me.  the trees were purchased at Wal-Mart and the candle holders were gifts from our wedding.

The Angel and Snowman sit above our secretary.  They are both what I'd call hand-me-downs!  The snowman I found at Goodwill and the Angel came from my mom.

Then since we don't have a fireplace, I decided to hang my stockings off our sofa table this year.  I think it looks pretty good.  I added a little garland.  Usually they hang from the wall behind this table.  The little red houses on the ledge are from my grandma.  They are from Bath and Body works a few years back and hold tea lights. 

Then there's our tree.
I think I need a new theme for our tree.  It's silver, whites, and usually looks about the same from year to year. 

And that's my house at the holidays.
Nothing special.
And yes, there's only decor in my living room.  hahaha

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