

2013 - The Year of Doing!

It's that time of year again...
Time to make promises to yourself you won't keep.  Time to make resolutions for a better and healthier lifestyle.  Time to Start things and hopefully not stop them... Here's to a year of GOOD resolutions. 

So here's how I see 2013...

Catching up on Debt...
*This past year was a little rough...

We brought Ells into the new world = increased cost
We hired a sitter = increased costs
My husband works in sales = decreased funds
I quit skating = decreased funds

You get the idea...
So when it came time to pay the bills and go buy groceries and purchase baby necessities, it was a little tight in 2012. I'm hoping for a little bit looser 2013. 

So how am I going to make that happen?
  1. I plan to make sure we are always using coupons...
  2. Maybe to shop more a Kroger?  They seem to make coupons better, although I think their prices are higher sometimes.
  3. I plan to stock more money away. Not sure how this will happen just yet... maybe not EVER touch my Stella $.
  4. We plan to combine our accounts -- already started. And yes, 2.5 years later is an OK time to do that.
  5. We plan to pay off some CC debt by working smallest first the Dave Ramsay way, while not completely following this plan.
We Shall see...

Family Dinners...
*We usually eat at the coffee table.

Not anymore.  Whenever Ella is awake and we are "cooking" a meal, we will eat at the table.
This also means that the table must always be cleaned off -- it sometimes becomes a place to put things until they get to their real home.

Taking Care of Home To-Dos...
*This means finally crossing off some things that have been on my to-do list since FOREVER.

  1. Banquette -- This will happen this summer. ($250-$500)
  2. Paint Cabinets -- This will happen this summer. ($200)
  3. Repaint Living Room/Kitchen -- This will happen this summer. ($100)
  4. Redo Hall Bath -- Spring (>$100)
  5. Living Room Floors -- Summer/Fall ($200-$500)
  6. Fence -- Summer ($1000)
  7. Redo Bricks In Front of House
  8. Brick Sides of Driveway ($75)
  9. Plant 2 New Trees ($150)
  10. Organize (FOR REAL) Garage ($100)
  11. Replace Light Fixtures (?)
  12. Organize & Build-In Closets (?)
All of this will cost about what I have in parenthesis (so I will soon be selling my life on craigslist, ebay, and the street corner to pay for these things)...   It could be another tight year... Ugh.

Due to all of the Above
Make My Husband More Handy...
*Enough said.

*Kept up with this better last year and will make sure to continue. 

Just need to get a list together but at the top is finishing The Casual Vacancy.

Sleep More...
*That means go to bed earlier.

I go into work at 6am and usually don't make it to bed until 10:30pm or 11pm which doesn't make for bright eyed and bushy tailed Abigail.  Goal is to be in bed by 9:30 (which has pretty much happened lately).  I figure if I get myself there I'm likely to fall asleep soon after.
Again, we shall see....

Enjoy Life...
*With all the struggles that came with last year, I hope to make this one more enjoyable.  If I follow my goals above, it should be OK.  I might have to sell my life on Craigslist to pay for a sitter every now and then, but I want to enjoy more things... I saw this today on Centsational Girl and really love it.

Another 12 in Twelve...
*This was fun so I think I'll try to do it again.  Maybe I'll try to take better photos... That would be a good resolution.

Learn to use my camera correctly...

Finish Ella's 1 year scrapbook...
*AHHH... by her first birthday!  I have about 22 days to accomplish this... wish me luck!

Finish Ella's Dollhouse...
*By her Birthday party as it's a part of the theme.
We shall see how this goes... I just need to set aside a few hours to make this happen!!!  But things keep getting in the way...

Travel More...
*We have friends all over the country and never go anywhere! 
We will be coming to visit soon -- friends in Colorado, Cali, NY, Tennessee, Michigan...
I'm carving out weekends here and there...

Blog with more committment...
I'd like to one day run a successful blog.  Where people like to come and visit, where people read interesting things, where I talk about REAL things and CRAFT things and DIY things and HOME things... I want it to be a place you want to come... me included. 

I guess after looking at all this I better get better with time management as I have set out a lot of things to keep on top of!  Luckily 2 of these to-dos will be done in the first two months!  But I better get going!!! 

Happy 2013
What's on your resolution list?

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