

Living Room Art

There are some things around my house that need a fixin'.  Some MAJOR things...
Like my entryway. 

This table is going to go, but since that's not in the current budget, I will just have to make due.
But, it does need art.  It needs something interesting, large, and exciting.
I don't want same old...

Here's the blank entry wall...

Then to the immediate right of my front door, I have this little corner.  It's feeling neglected.  And not to mention lop-sided. 

It needs something or nothing... I haven't decided yet. 
I might decide once I get my Look For Less West Elm lamp in place. 

And these are the correlating frames and art that go with the one in the corner, turned on their sides.  However, I'm not sure I like the brown anymore, not to mention the prints.  They were a good buy about five years ago off of Etsy but I think it's time for updating.

And then there's my sunburst mirror collage over the sofa.  I kind of love it although I think it needs a couple other mini mirrors.  It also causes confusion for the rest of the wall in between the sliding patio doors and the last mirror on the left and the other corner opposite the first one I showed you.

And soon I will give you a full living room update (one day when it's actually clean)! 
But for now, the big stump area is the entryway and it's what I'm most concerned with...


Remaining Sample Sale Pieces

Hey Blog Hogs!
Just a quick post to show you what I still have available. 
Message/Comment if you would like something.
Follow me on Facebook for more details --
Most pieces are under $30!
The 2 pieces over $30 are the bottom row 2 & 4.

Get your look for less!
And if you friend me on Facebook I will add you to the Sample Sale event! 


Christmas Photo Booth

I know this is a little late coming out, but about 30 days late isn't too bad for me considering how I was this fall...

But these photos below are too priceless not to share!  My parents usually do Christmas Karaoke, which is fun, but for some reason this year just didn't have the same feeling. 

So naturally I decided to do a photo booth session!  I had purchased a set at Hobby Lobby on sale one weekend while out shopping for the dollhouse and of course in our "Pack our car up until it's bursting at the seems with 3 humans, 2 dogs, and EVERY other item you can think of" we forgot the kit.  This meant last minute printing, cutting, pasting, and creating! 

We printed a lot of things offline that were FREE kits of holiday or Christmas photo booth.  I just searched both "Holiday Photo booth Free Printable" and "Christmas Photo booth Free Printable" and was able to come up with all these props!  I give myself props for being savvy! 

And everyone seemed to like it...

This is my Cousin Lanah and her boyfriend Fernando

Mike and Myself

Family Photo Op!

My sister Libby and cousins Stefanie, & Katie

Family Hake -- Uncle Jim, Aunt Carol, Anna & Ryan

Cousin Stefanie & her boyfriend Thomas

Uncle Tim

Uncle Tim and his girls (minus 1)!

Uncle Ed

The Brothers Hake
(minus 2)

Cousin Jonathan & his girlfriend Payton

My Grandma & Grandpa Gallops

And my siblings...
Michael & Johnny
Libby & Me

And next year it's on to bigger and better things...
Better Planning
Better Props
Better Backdrop/Setting

Happy Belated Holidays! 


Stella & Dot 2013 Spring Collection

Yes, yes, it's here!  And it's gorgeous!  Tell your friends! 

And we have some amazing pieces to offer you! 

I started with Stella & Dot about 2.5 years ago to get my wedding jewelry for FREE!  So I thought I'll do it and see how it goes... And let me tell you, my little blue card has gotten me out of some situations like car troubles, Christmas present money, and girls nights...shhh... don't tell my husband!

But seriously, I feel like Stella & Dot is a great opportunity for so many and that they've barely broken the surface as far as number of stylists and number of women reached!  I swear there are so many people out there who still don't know who we are!  So I share...

Headed up to Fort Wayne - my hometown - in a few weeks to do a trunk show and share the opportunity with the ladies up there... I'm hoping to find some jewelry lovers who (1) love the jewelry, (2) are bored and want to have fun, and (3) could use a little extra cash!  I mean, who couldn't?!?

But back to the collection...
I'm seriously in love with so many pieces I can't even stand it! 

First let's start with an oldie but goodie...
The Renegade Cluster Bracelet -- a celebrity coveted favorite and also a favorite of fashion bloggers everywhere! 


And now onto the good stuff... I am loving these pieces below, especially the Eden Bangle and studs!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!  It's the one to the top of the picture below!  And that Fiona Bib -statement necklace to the left - will be on my neck soon!  The stones are cream which will make them blend so well with SO MANY OUTFITS!


And the Kimberly -- Seriously, this is one of my two MUST HAVES!  I love the delicateness of it!  And how it hangs long... It's just such a no brainer for me!  Plus, not that I'm the matchy-matchy kind, but it has coordinating earrings! 


And don't forget that you still have time to get an online trunk show in before the 31st to qualify for the $50 Hostess Bonus!!!  That means that with only 2 orders and $200 in sales you will get $70 in product credit!  Wahoo!!!  That's killer!  Typically a $200 show would get $20 in rewards and 1 item at half off!  But no, in January you get $70!  It's kind of a no brainer too!  Message me ASAP to get your party on the books -- I can send out evites, create a Facebook event, and even send you some look books and minis to share with your friends!  2 weeks is plenty of time for a trunk show!  You know you want too...


Oh, and did you see we added 2 sets to the Little Girls line? 
They are going to love these!  Perfect Valentine's Day or Easter presents -- both of which are right around the corner! 

Izzie Necklace and Bracelet SetPoppy Bracelet Set

And... before I forget, if you do LUURVE Stella & Dot, and have thought about jumping on the Stella & Dot ship, then you should think about doing it in January!  We are offering an extra $100 in free product credit when you sign up by January 31st, 2013.  I'd love to chat with you about it!  Seriously, it's an amazing line, an amazing company, and the perfect time to join! 

Happy Accessorizing! 
Plus, there might be something special coming up...



This is Me... (Deep Down)

While I was blog hogging around yesterday I came across a post from Jill's Blog Good Life for Less -- which I totally adore.  I follow her on Instagram too and let me just say she might be my favorite! 

Anyways, I came across this post of her blog crushing on another as well! 

s e e r s u c k e r + s a d d l e s

Deep down, this is my style...
Plus she rocks some Stella pieces I noticed!!! 

 Read the entire post here.

Now... to just lose about 40 lbs, chop my hair off and dye it blonde, and up the anty with my wardrobe... Yes, Yes, this is me...



2013 - The Year of Doing!

It's that time of year again...
Time to make promises to yourself you won't keep.  Time to make resolutions for a better and healthier lifestyle.  Time to Start things and hopefully not stop them... Here's to a year of GOOD resolutions. 

So here's how I see 2013...

Catching up on Debt...
*This past year was a little rough...

We brought Ells into the new world = increased cost
We hired a sitter = increased costs
My husband works in sales = decreased funds
I quit skating = decreased funds

You get the idea...
So when it came time to pay the bills and go buy groceries and purchase baby necessities, it was a little tight in 2012. I'm hoping for a little bit looser 2013. 

So how am I going to make that happen?
  1. I plan to make sure we are always using coupons...
  2. Maybe to shop more a Kroger?  They seem to make coupons better, although I think their prices are higher sometimes.
  3. I plan to stock more money away. Not sure how this will happen just yet... maybe not EVER touch my Stella $.
  4. We plan to combine our accounts -- already started. And yes, 2.5 years later is an OK time to do that.
  5. We plan to pay off some CC debt by working smallest first the Dave Ramsay way, while not completely following this plan.
We Shall see...

Family Dinners...
*We usually eat at the coffee table.

Not anymore.  Whenever Ella is awake and we are "cooking" a meal, we will eat at the table.
This also means that the table must always be cleaned off -- it sometimes becomes a place to put things until they get to their real home.

Taking Care of Home To-Dos...
*This means finally crossing off some things that have been on my to-do list since FOREVER.

  1. Banquette -- This will happen this summer. ($250-$500)
  2. Paint Cabinets -- This will happen this summer. ($200)
  3. Repaint Living Room/Kitchen -- This will happen this summer. ($100)
  4. Redo Hall Bath -- Spring (>$100)
  5. Living Room Floors -- Summer/Fall ($200-$500)
  6. Fence -- Summer ($1000)
  7. Redo Bricks In Front of House
  8. Brick Sides of Driveway ($75)
  9. Plant 2 New Trees ($150)
  10. Organize (FOR REAL) Garage ($100)
  11. Replace Light Fixtures (?)
  12. Organize & Build-In Closets (?)
All of this will cost about what I have in parenthesis (so I will soon be selling my life on craigslist, ebay, and the street corner to pay for these things)...   It could be another tight year... Ugh.

Due to all of the Above
Make My Husband More Handy...
*Enough said.

*Kept up with this better last year and will make sure to continue. 

Just need to get a list together but at the top is finishing The Casual Vacancy.

Sleep More...
*That means go to bed earlier.

I go into work at 6am and usually don't make it to bed until 10:30pm or 11pm which doesn't make for bright eyed and bushy tailed Abigail.  Goal is to be in bed by 9:30 (which has pretty much happened lately).  I figure if I get myself there I'm likely to fall asleep soon after.
Again, we shall see....

Enjoy Life...
*With all the struggles that came with last year, I hope to make this one more enjoyable.  If I follow my goals above, it should be OK.  I might have to sell my life on Craigslist to pay for a sitter every now and then, but I want to enjoy more things... I saw this today on Centsational Girl and really love it.

Another 12 in Twelve...
*This was fun so I think I'll try to do it again.  Maybe I'll try to take better photos... That would be a good resolution.

Learn to use my camera correctly...

Finish Ella's 1 year scrapbook...
*AHHH... by her first birthday!  I have about 22 days to accomplish this... wish me luck!

Finish Ella's Dollhouse...
*By her Birthday party as it's a part of the theme.
We shall see how this goes... I just need to set aside a few hours to make this happen!!!  But things keep getting in the way...

Travel More...
*We have friends all over the country and never go anywhere! 
We will be coming to visit soon -- friends in Colorado, Cali, NY, Tennessee, Michigan...
I'm carving out weekends here and there...

Blog with more committment...
I'd like to one day run a successful blog.  Where people like to come and visit, where people read interesting things, where I talk about REAL things and CRAFT things and DIY things and HOME things... I want it to be a place you want to come... me included. 

I guess after looking at all this I better get better with time management as I have set out a lot of things to keep on top of!  Luckily 2 of these to-dos will be done in the first two months!  But I better get going!!! 

Happy 2013
What's on your resolution list?


2012 Recap -- 12 in Twelve

A Year in Family Pictures

Monthly Review

Baby Kakes is born.
Very first FAMLY photo. 
I look like crap, but I don't think that's the biggest deal in this picture!  
Ella is!  

Baby is shown off.
Had a big family shindig which we called the Ella Meet & Greet.
It was a ton of fun and she was very cooperative and stylish in her pink leopard PJs.

Open your eyes Mr K.
Nothing really to say about this picture except that due to a bad storm this GORGEOUS tree has now beens chopped down.  Woamp Woamp.

Most stressful wedding of my life -- I couldn't figure out what to wear.  I think I look awful, but Ella and her shoes were the hit of the party so I'm ok with that.  It was her first time to meet most of the Kellermeyer side.

Photo shoot.
I had Ella's pictures taken by Rylee Madison Photography. 

Color Run.
First Family 5K.  It was very fun.  We got Ella sunglasses and a stroller cover. 
She loved it!

Family Picnic.
It was a Gorgeous Day at Forest Park.

Pumpkin Patch.
Family Fun Time at the pumpkin patch before they closed everything up and kicked us out.

St. Louis Budweiser Plant Tour.
(sorry we are so small - not sure what's up with that)
Probably not appropriate for a baby, but it was fun and I think she enjoyed the Clydesdales. 
We, of course, enjoyed the free beer at the end.

Free Family Pictures -- JCP.
Best Picture of Mike and I.
Ella had better, but I am selfish.

Family Dinner with Cheeeeeeeese.
Just another night out with my grandparents.
Clearly I have a goofball on my hands.

Last Picture of 2012 Technically, but I"m counting as January 2013.
And technically our entire family is in this picture as Louie is under the chair.  Lex is very stoic don't you think? 
Wish we could get "cheeeeeese" on demand. 

This was a fun thing for Ella -- Look how much she's changed. 
It's kind of nice for me too, although I can't say that much has changed for Mr K & I.

Onto the next 12 in Twelve.


Saying Goodbye To 2012

Well Well well... It was one heck of a year...

There have been great moments, exciting happenings, struggles, and lots and lots of travel! 
And alas... it's finally coming to an end.

While I'm a bit scared for what 2013 will hold, I'm hoping it can't be any worse than the struggles we struggled through in 2012!  We can only go onward and upward, right?!?

Top 12 in 2012

1. Ella was born!

2. I got to take some time off work to be with her.
3. Mike got a new coaching position.

4. We put over 20K miles on my car!

5.  Ella said Dada.

6.  Ella walked.

7.  We completed 12 in 12 with a little fudging... Will share soon...

8.  We completed our first 5K as a family.  That was really fun.

9.  I quit coaching skating... a huge milestone for me and our family as it gave me time to be home with Ella.  I miss "my girls" terribly and have seen them skate a few times over the last couple months with competitions and such, but I do miss it.  What I don't miss about it is the politics of it and the other nasties that come along with the skating world.... This was a good decision. 

10.  I sold over $5500 of Stella & Dot this year, my best year yet!  Which gave my family a much needed extra $1500! 

11.  Ella saw her first snow and loved it!

12.  We made it through!!! 

Happy New Years to Everyone! 
Wishing you a very bright 2013!!!