

Doll House Update - Exterior

You may remember when I made a big purchase probably about a year ago this past fall...
My big Doll House Purchase.

It was from one of my favorite online auction sites -- --  and it was for Baby Kakes.

Well the time had come and gone to redo it -- that time while I was still pregnant without a toddler running around in my life -- almost seems like a far off memory now...

And I've been working on it for E's first birthday present.  I swear her birthday has turned into a month long celebration... lucky kiddo!  It's probably more of a problem on my end because I'm always like E needs this or E needs that.  Ooops!  That's going to stop soon! 

But here's what we started with...

It was Barnyard Red.  It was a cute little house... red with green shutters.  I liked it... I mean, I bought it, right?  But I couldn't see those colors in E's room. 

So we laid it out in the garage -- Please excuse the mess.
And I'll search through my archives because I know I have a full frontal pic to share!

Sprayed on some paint remover -- Might be one of my new favorite items!

Look how easy the paint comes off...

And Voila!  It's all gone!  This color was GORGEOUS once sanded... I could have left it like that.

But I didn't like how it was different on all sides...

But look how cute the front looks...
It almost looks like old worn bricks...
L. O. V. E.
And E being my little helper.

Isn't she the cutest? 
She's such a big girl now.
Below might be one of my favorite pics EVER of her.

But with all the outside paint removed we sanded and were ready to paint. 

But what color?  I'm too cheap right now to go out and buy paint and I have a ton of paint in my garage just sitting... waiting.. wishing it will be the next to be used.

So I found these samples and decided to test them out and see what they might look like.
I dipped old shingles in each and let them dry.
Again... I am cheapo right now.

I also took the shingles and swiped them on the 2 pieces I had taken off of the room...
Which reminds me they need to go back.

And we had a clear winner.
The perfect color for a little baby girl.
The perfect color for a whimsy room and a delicate look.
The lavender won out... It's actual name is Silver Linings -- I feel like this house might be called that at at some point.

We decided on Silver Linings with white trim and black shutters... 
Love.  I had some white laying around from trim and the shutters are actually chalkboard paint I had leftover as well.  My garage is a supply room of misc items!  

So here we are.  The outside is getting there.
It's not perfect by any means, but it's looking much better compared to the beginnings. 

And now onto the inside... here's a sneak peek of what's to come!  It seriously is looking GREAT!

Just a few things left to finish and then to use it for our big party next weekend!  Yay!

Still to do:
Fix windows
Paint Stairs
Fix up minimal furniture that we do have
Add wheels?  For easier movements?  Jury is still out on this one!

And don't forget about my American Heart Association Fundraiser -- Check it out here.


Linking Up over at Somewhat Simple today

Somewhat Simple

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