

New (Side) Ventures

Out with the old and in with the new... right?  Isn't that how it always goes?  Well that's completely the opposite with what my friend Julia & I have decided to try.  We've been going back and forth over a way to earn a little extra fun money on the side with minimal effort and we are both artsy & crafty so we thought about redoing furniture.  Then, when we came across a booth for rent at a local antique store and we just had to jump on it.  We are diving in head first with no idea really what we are doing and honestly no inventory either!  Our booth is a hodge podge of "stuff" that we've thrifted, redone, created, etc...

The store is just up the road from our houses at what we call The Square - It's the downtown of Noblesville, IN.  The store is called Whimsy and our booth or shop name is I Love Pickles.  Don't ask.  It's a random long story.  Short story = Julia's dog is Pickles.

Julia made this cute little sign and we were off...

We still aren't really sure what we are doing and what will sell and what won't, but it's fun!  I am glad to be crafting again since it's a huge outlet for me!  I'm finding that out as I haven't been able to do it for so long (and my garage is starting to look like hoarders).


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