

Whale of a Sale

Last week I took a couple days off of work to set up a Stella & Dot booth at an Upscale Children's Consignment Sale.  I'd never done this sale before so I had no idea what to expect.  To top it off, I put some clothes in the sale myself so I had to drop those off the day before the sale. 

Let me tell you... this sale was HUGE! GINORMOUS! AMAZEBALLS!
It was held in about a 5500 square foot building on the Indiana State Fairgrounds.  If I remember correctly, they've had to relocate 3 of the 4 years they've done this sale.  There was just so much stuff!

When I first walked in to drop my measly 20-30 items off, the lady asked me if I needed a rolling cart and I kind of looked at her funny.  No... why would anyone need that?!  Well after I saw 3-5 women seriously make 10 trips back and forth from their cars to the loading/drop off dock, I knew why she asked me that!  I'm totally going to do it again!  I've already got a pile ready for the spring sale!

But seriously I made $50 really by doing nothing and all but 2 pieces of mine sold!  I mean, I couldn't have asked for a better first experience.  Aside from me freaking out because of all the rules posted online and giving myself a heart attack for stains, dog hair, hangars, and tagging it really went very smooth! 

Then I had my Stella & Dot booth set up which was fun.  While this is a great demographic for us people wise, moms with kids and stay at home moms, we do sometimes have a hard sell due to our price point.  While over half the line is under $50, at these types of events people are naturally drawn typically do the higher price points.  So we look at these type events as an opportunity to meet new people and still be sharing our name with all!  Overall it was very successful for us... A few sales, but hopefully a few trunk shows too!

And there were lots of other vendors there too!  All doing giveaways or advertising great deals! 

So, if you are every in Indianapolis either in March or September you should look up Whale of a Sale.  It's a great place to grab some play clothes, find a few toys for christmas gifts (lots new with tags), and then hop over to the vendor tables to shop for yourselves! 


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