

31 Days // Sarah Richardson

If you are a follower, you are probably sick and tired of me talking about my love for Sarah  Richardson. And I am going to apologize in advance, but seriously she makes me happy.  Like really really happy and excited and I just love her.  That sounds a little stalker-ish.  I assure you we are not at that point although I just started following her on Facebook (believe it or not) -- It's just one more way to get my Sarah fix since we don't have any of her shows running on HGTV here in the states.

Or so I thought...

To my surprise I came home to find THESE on my DVR!

I couldn't believe it.  I had just been looking up a few of her rooms to get ideas for mixing fabrics because I seriously love how she mixes textures and patterns and it was like a sign!  Now, these were not new episodes, but I hadn't seen them and I really loved what she did in this dining room.
*All pictures below via google images*

I'm really happy when it comes to decorating.  I always, well once I hit high school, wanted to be an interior designer.  But you know, that's a hard industry and I was told that was not a good way to go... not a stable way of living.  Now I'm thinking to myself, as I wonder when my next paycheck will come (government shutdown) it might have been a good idea... and at least I'd be doing something I enjoyed!

Did you know...
She started her television career as a behind-the-scenes prop stylist and set decorator?
Runs the successful design firm Sarah Richardson Design Inc.?
Has hosted 5 shows:  Room Service, Design Inc, Sarah's House, Sarah's Cottage (called Sarah's Summer House in the US) and Sarah 101?

I gain inspiration from Sarah, and others.  I love working with colors, crafts, challenges!  I love painting, refinishing, and creating!  So looking back I think I will now know to tell my E to never listen to me when it comes to doing what you love!  The world is such a volatile place anymore that you might as well be doing what you love, right?   I can't wait for her new show Real Potential to air here in the States (hopefully it does).  But until then, here's some LOVELY inspiration from Sarah Richardson.


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