

Changes Are Coming...

You know when your closet is getting low on clothes and you end up always wearing the same thing over and over and over again... ?

Well I'm there.  Literally because I wear the 5 same things in my closet over and over and over again...
Oh, and with regards to this blog too...

So.... it's time for...

I got on Etsy the other day and purchased a Shiny Brand Spanking New Pre-Made Template.  I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea that I am a techie and can make these type things on my own because without a "wizard" of some sort I cannot do much on the computer besides email, blog, and read things. 

But seriously... That's true.

So someone asked me what the link to my blog was the other day and I realized that I was totally unhappy with how it was looking these days... I mean it's very very blah and the pictures on the header were outdated and you know, it was just not Martha in anyway anymore...

And we all know that these days I'm trying to get back to what this blog used to be which made me happy.  So with that I'm hoping this new template will make me happy and I'm just waiting on a few more things to load up and then it will be

I hope...

So until then, please excuse the mess because I'm excited for the clean lines and neatness that are to come soon! 

Have a great Wednesday!

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