

Fourteen in '14

So here we go again...
I feel like we just did this!  But I guess it was an entire year ago. 
And yes.... I do know it's February... I'm late as usual. 
I might soon be changing the name of this blog to Last Minute Mama!
No, but seriously...

2014 is all about Making Things Happen!
This year things will be happening!  It's about doing things BETTER and being BETTER! 

(1)  I will get organized.
*My life feels like chaos right now... switching cars back and forth with Mr K, running to and from things for Ells, being a single parent most of the time, and all this snow has gotten me down.  I think getting seriously organized will help with my stress.


(2) I will read more books.
*I'll make time in my schedule for reading.  Maybe before bed some days or afternoons on others but I'm determined to make this a priority. Here's my list so far:
Labor Day, The Fault In Our Stars, The Hands Free Mama, A Classic of some sort.


(3) I will have "no TV" days. 
*I'm thinking Monday.  I don't really watch anything and I think it would be a nice way to start the week.  Maybe "Music Monday" instead...

(4) I will use my time more wisely.
*Getting organized will help with this.

(5) I will keep a clean household.
*So far this is not going so well...

(6) I will have a successful first year with Maeve.
(more posts on this to come)

(7) I will hit Star Stylist (with Stella & Dot) 7 out of 12 months this year!

(8) I will finish at least 3 house projects--
Wood Floors
Painting Cabinets

(9) I will be a better blogger-- better posts, better commitment, better content, better timeliness.

(10) I will get back in shape -- exercise 3-5 days a week, eat healthier. 

(11) I will walk my dogs at least 3x a week.

(12) I will try to have more enjoyment in my life.
*Participate or attend more things that are for ME.

(13) I will be a better friend. 
* I have friends all over the world at the moment and I'm the worst at staying in touch.  This year, I will attempt to be better at that. 

(14) I will save more money. 
*I think we all say this but I'm sick of money issues so I'm going to rid out my closets and save more! 


Ok, 14 for 14... I think that will work. 
I'll keep you posted and we shall see how it goes!

Any goals you are bound and determined to keep this year?

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