

Quick Easy DIY Kids Art Wall

So Ells has started to actually make things lately...

Yes, I know they are only coloring pages, but they are still something to share!
She makes wonderful circles and can even accidentally make hearts! 

So I needed a place to showcase her masterpieces! 

I saw these cute little clips in Staples when I was getting a few things blown up and I grabbed them... along with some of the 3M velcro strips. 

And here's what I did...

Plopped those puppies right on the back and then stuck them to this random corner in our kitchen...

Then I took a piece of chalk and wrote above it "Ella's Art" and the best part about this whole thing is it cost next to nothing... probably $10 total AND it's totally moveable! 

You may have already seen this wall if you follow me on Instagram -- @sd_abbyk

So when I decide to put a little build in cabinet or a few shelves, I will be able to reuse these pieces somewhere else! 

How do you display your toddler's art?  I know this isn't huge, but she loves it!

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