

What I'm Reading April 2014

The goal this year was to read more books.  And finish them.  I think that was the key phrase - "AND FINISH THEM." 

I'm not sure where I'm finding the time these days to read a chapter or two a night, but it's happening.  Oh wait, that's right... my house looks like a tornado has blown through it over and over and over again.  I'm skipping cleaning to read.  Probably not a great decision, but not the worst I've ever made.

But how often do you find books that you really can't wait to read again... or at least continue through?!  If you are like me, that never happens.  I read a couple of chapters and then I am usually distracted by something else that is much better or holds my attention better.  Not to mention a few movie trailers lately that have caught my eye....

Which leads me here.  I saw a couple months back, the movie trailer for the upcoming summer movie "The Fault In Our Stars" which stars Shailene Woodley on Facebook.  I think I now have an obsession with her.  Ever since The Descendants, I've just loved her.  So when I asked my friend for a book recommendation just after seeing this trailer and she said her favorite book was The Fault In Our Stars, and it was set in Indianapolis, I became partial and had to read it.


I then asked my sister if she had read it and she hadn't but was looking for a new book so she thought she'd try it.  Then she gave me her nook account so I could read it and VOILA!  I finished a book!  ha ha.  It was really good.  Very sad, very real, very scary, but very good.  I loved all the little things that made me know it was based in our city and I loved how things played out. Sometimes you just need a good cry and this will surely do that.  So, read it if you will.  It's a great short read.  You will appreciate it's real feelings and raw emotion I swear.  And, if you are like me, you'll finish it!  Because it's only about 200 pages long!  

But then I was looking at the other books on my sisters nook account and saw that she had the Divergent series.  I was intrigued.  Again, knowing that Shailene Woodley was playing the lead in the soon to be released movies, I figured I should give it a try.  And let me tell you... I had read about 6 chapters and was having a really hard time putting it down.  The nicest thing to me was that the chapters are usually about 10 pages long and to me and my head I see 10 pages and I think "only 10 pages," not "OMG 10 pages!"  I know it's a mind game, but seriously it's been making reading this book so much easier.  Not to mention it's action packed! 

And I may or may not have already seen the movie which is making putting the book down even harder because (1) I know how it ends and (2) I want to start on book 2!  

So with that I feel like this will be a successful reading month for me.   My house may be a disaster zone, but what's new with that?  Isn't it always like that when you have a husband and a toddler?  I'm starting to think so.  I clean and it gets messed up almost instantaneously.  I read and I have a messy house, but at least I have something to show for it in the end... a closed book.  

What's on your reading list?  I see Divergent 2 & 3 in my future.... I don't even know the names!   And hopefully I'll finish those books from last year at some point -- I Want To Pee Alone & Moms Who Drink & Swear.  

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