

Thirty Before 30 { Final Recap }

Well it happened. I turned 30. And survived. That day I had two margaritas. The end.

But I did want to recap the Thirty in 30 that was a complete fail even though I tried REALLY REALLY hard to make it happen! Maybe instead I’ll complete a 30 @ Thirty challenge this year… that’s still up for debate.

But before I do, I have to tack a little something on related to my last world cup post here. Did I mention that my sister kind of knows Demarcus Beasley? Like works for his camps in the summer and knows him well enough to try on his WORLD CUP SHOES?!

Well she called them boots, but I don’t know if soccer shoes are called boots, but still… She posted this on Instagram yesterday and I saw it this morning…
Yea… Seriously…

Ok, so back to earth for the recap of my serious fail of trying to do too many things in too little time before I turned the big Three Zero.

Thirty before 30 Final Recap

1. Participate in a race
*None to participate in.
2. Travel somewhere we haven’t been.
3. Go to a concert
*I couldn’t get tickets to anything good.
4. Treat myself to a massage
5. Weekend Getaway with spouse
*Not enough time
6. Clean House!
*This gets a half strike through. I did get rid of A LOT of things in these 60 days.
7. Get facial
*Was supposed to be on my day of pampering the 26th (which I know would be after 30) but that day was a complete fail.
8. Go on girls trip
*Not enough time…
9. Reorganize a space in the house
10. Start a summer tradition
11. Run 3x a week for 3 weeks.
*I think I did this… but I will say that I took most of June off because of a bad cold/sinus infection/allergies.
12. Get out of Debt
*Will this ever happen?!? I think I’ll be Dave Ramsay-ing it soon…
13. Visit a State Park
14. Visit a National Park
15. Host a Brunch
16. Try a new restaurant
17. Get at least 10 hours of interrupted sleep
18. Go to a professional sporting event
19. Unplug for the weekend
20. Volunteer somewhere – 5.2.14
21. Learn to take better pictures
*Scheduled for July
22. Write in Journal once a week for a month
*I don’t know why I even put this one on here… knowing I’d fail.
23. Have a date night
24. Go to a drive-in movie
25. Go to the FW Zoo
26. See a play
*All good ones were sold out. 
27. Have a picnic.
28. Go to Chicago
29. Get a haircut & style
*Was supposed to be on my day of pampering the 26th (which I know would be after 30) but that day was a complete fail.
30. Finish Divergent Series

So I completed 12/30. That’s bad. But life is hectic and never goes the way you plan so when you attempt to do things that you normally wouldn't do every 6 months and try to do them in 60 days or less, it does enhance your ability to fail.

Now I have a list of things to maybe try to do the rest of the summer. I know we’ll go to a drive-In, a baseball game, and some parks. I’d love to get a couple more trips in, but you never know and money always seems to be tight around here.

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