

This Life by Shutterfly

First, how can we not acknowlegdge this day... A day that we'll always remember where we were and what happened.  The unimagineable... September 11th is engraved in our hearts and minds.  We will never forget.

And since we are remembering things of the past...
Last week before I left for my Denver trip, I realized my computer was moving REALLY SLOW... and yes, it's old and yes it's probably on it's last leg, but I realized that if it died I would not have all of my pictures taken care of!  So I panicked!  I hopped on Shutterfly and started uploading my pictures... which was taking forever... not because of Shutterfly, but because I just have that many pictures that I've yet to back up!

So I continued uploading and then decided to look at This Life.  It's an organized program from Shutterfly that basically does most of the work for you!  Since I was leaving for Denver and was still panicking, I decided to try their free version.  I figured something was better than nothing... right?

Well, I quickly outgrew the free version and found out that I needed more storage space.  I kind of freaked out a little more... $59?  Was it worth it?  Would I use it?  Will it be user friendly?  Ummm... Yes, Yes, & Yes!!!

I signed up, linked my account to Facebook, Instagram, & Shutterfly and all my pictures were organized and loaded within like 15 min.  It was kind of incredible.  Yes, you do still have to upload pictures to Shutterfly, but I felt like it was worth it because it saved all my shared pictures too!  PLUS, there's an app for your phone that you can utilize as well!  It's really "some kind of wonderful, yes she is!"
Click the photo below for more information or to sign up for a free version and see if you need more like me!  haha...

And ending today on Shutterfly is a FREE 8x8 Photo Book!
Use Promo Code BOOK4FREE

I might be up until midnight working on one -- we shall see :)  What a great deal!!!

Shutterfly Photo Books 234x60

And if you are new to shutterfly then you can get 50 free prints too!  And they are good for 30 days after you sign up...

Shutterfly Photo Books 300x250

I made books for all of our parents of our wedding and haven't gotten one for us!
This might be the time!!!

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