

I'm Moving :: Denver Recap

Just kidding.  But seriously, it would be lovely to live there I think. 
It was a great trip to see my friend Courtney and her new little bubba.  
Baby fever hit full force holding this little guy off and on for 3 days.  

And early warning... this post is LOADED with pictures so I'm sorry... You've been warned. 

When we got in it was Courtney's Birthday so we obviously brought her a crown. 

And then it was really all about this little guy.  Yes, I look awful but it's all about the kiddo anyways.

Day 1 :: ROMO

 We decided to head up to ROMO...which it took me forever to figure out mean Rocky Mountains (National Park) which was AMAZING.  
We stopped in a little town on the way... and checked out some stores and had some pizza.  
Here's Mommy & Baby. 

Insert artistic shot here.

A cute little shop called The Grey House had some really cool finds that I left without.  

And back on the road it was... 

It was so foggy that taking this shot made me a little queasy... you looked over the edge and couldn't see anything... besides the ginormous chipmunks that people were feeding. 

It was seriously beautiful. 
These next two reminded me of the Sound of Music for some reasson... 
The hills are alive...

The animals that we saw were amazing.  
Ram & Elk. 

Then we were headed towards the/a summit.  Not sure if it was the highest place or not, but I called these the stairway to heaven....

Obviously we needed a "Toyota" jump to happen... 

Obligatory photo with the Park Ranger...
Why not?!
And she was from the Midwest.  We kept running into people from Indiana and Illinois oddly enough.

Another Overlook.

Day 2:  Hiking 

Boulder Mountain Parks. 
G O R G E O U S 

And downtown Boulder which was so stinking Cute. 
 Pearl Street to be exact! 

The cutest shops... 
An Anthropologie type store called Island Farm was my favorite. 

The cutest Starbucks I've seen since Pike's Place. 

Not to mention funny... 

And we ended the night with craft beer sampling and more babies!

Day 3 :: Red Rocks
I have no words... 

That was seriously the most amazing landscape I've ever seen.  
U N B E L I E V A B L E 

So that was my wonderful trip to Denver!  
It was so great to hang out in such a cool place and catch up with great friends! 
Can't wait to go back! 

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