

Warby Parker At Home Trials

*While this post does contain affiliate links, all opinions and words are my own.  I was not paid in any way to try this service or share about it.*

If you follow me on IG, you already saw a sneak peek at my Warby Parker Trial frames.  This system is AWESOME.  I've been needing glasses for some time now but the thought of going into a store and trying on frames for E V E R and then feeling pressured and stressed did not get me excited.  I was stressing over that process.  But I found Warby Parker who's frames are (1) adorable, (2) affordable, and (3) the easiest process E V E R!
I hopped on their website, picked my 5 favorites or ones I thought I liked or even just ones I thought were fun... like the clear Haskell's.  Add them to your cart and select "Home Try On."
A couple days later you'll have this in your mailbox!

Then comes the fun part!  Trying them on.  One pair I wore around for an entire day!  My daughter was very confused! 

When you try them on make sure to tweet or instagram and tag @warbyparker and they are likely to respond like this!
Watts (below right) are getting my vote too.  I think they are a mix of old school and funky.  At least for my face.  The winners are the following...

The best part about Warby Parker is that their original series frames are only $95, including prescription lenses!  What?!?  That's hard to come by anymore!  And they are totally on trend!  And for every pair sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need.  I fall hard for companies like this! 
Oh and did I mention shipping is free both ways on the trial with no obligation to buy?!  Yea... you need to get in on this now! 
So... Watts are probably getting ordered shortly... as soon as I get my eye exam!  I really didn't think the trial would come as fast as it did so I wasn't ready for them!  But Watts (above right) or Finch (above left) it will be... maybe I'll get both! 
Heck... maybe I'll order sunglasses too! 

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