

-- Really? --

Is it really that time again?  I feel like every store I go into has snowflakes hanging from the ceiling - like these from Pier 1 -- or Holiday music playing or the smell of cinnamon sticks lingering throughout the stores.  Apparently we forgot about Mr. Turkey.  Is he not important anymore?  How is it possible to have pumpkins and Pilgrims sharing the shelves with glittery trees, snowmen, and Santa?!?  Really?!?

You may recall my VERY FIRST THANKSGIVING EVER that I posted about last year.  I loved cooking my Martha turkey and having everyone over and seeing them all sleeping in their chairs after dinner.  I loved setting out Autumn-y decor and searching for little things to spruce of my house with for the Thanksgiving Festivities.

I think last year I bought a autumn-y tablecloth, some pilgrim candlesticks for the table (goodwill - $1 each), some turkey somethings (I don't even know what their purpose is besides being cute), turkey napkin rings ($.49 at goodwill), and some amazingly sassy wooden kind of pumpkins from TJ Maxx.  I told you I needed stuff.  It was my First Thanksgiving, Really!

I found almost all of my recipes in Real Simple Magazine.  I had "A Martha Thanksgiving" on that morning to help me baste the turkey correctly.  It was bliss.  ;)  Not to mention everything turned out fantastic AND both families were there to share... except my dad.  :( 

Anyways all I'm saying is that it's still 2 weeks until Mr. Turkey Day and we are already overshadowing it with Christmas.  Really?!?  Whatever happened to the times when you didn't have decor for certain holidays until the one before it was over.  I was in Target before Halloween and I already saw lights that I, I mean Mike, needed for the house for Christmas.  And we were doing our Halloween decor!  What was I thinking?!  I mean, really?!?

I just think that we need to give each holiday a time to shine! I know it sounds Corny, but think about it...Thanksgiving is a very special day!  It's not something to forget.  Really!!!

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