

Sending Love

Have I ever told you how much I love the name Lucy?  I'm not sure why.  It is very popular right now, that could be why.  Or maybe it's because it feels old world to me.  You don't meet too many people these days named Lucy or Lucille.  It's just so charming. 

Well anyways, I've {for the longest time} wanted to name my first born daughter Lucille "Lucy" Jean.  I just love it.  I don't know why, I just do. 

Today I was doing my blog hog sorta thing... I go through all the new posts on the blogs I follow, open up the ones that I think I want to read, minimize them all, and then go through them one by one.  When I went over to see what Kristina was writing about at A Perfect Dose of Life, there was a link to another blog.  3 Kids, a Mini-Van, and a Mortgage - A blog that has become about Lucy. 

Lucy is the daughter of the Kate.  You can read all about Kate and Lucy's Story here.  Kate's daughter Lucy is 5 years old, and was suddenly diagnosed with multiple brain tumors. She recently lost her ability to walk, although she is doing physical therapy to try to get moving again and since February has undergone several surgeries and developed some complications.

Reading these words this morning brought tears to my eyes.  I've said it before and I'll say it again... I can't imagine going through these things with a child.  I'm sure if anyone saw me at work crying at my desk, they'd probably be like "are you ok?" and I'm not sure how I'd respond.  Things like this are so unfair, but it seems like Kate and her family are dealing with it as well as possible.  That's one thing about blogging... it's a great release... and the blogging community is so great in spreading the word, sending love and prayers, and reaching out to each other.

Please hop on over to Kate's blog and send her your well wishes, love, prayers, comfort... or whatever you want.  Everyone deals with things like this differently... I know I try to laugh, joke, distract <-- probably not always a good thing!

Keep Lucy in your thoughts and prayers.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and passing this story on to others. Have a lovely weekend
