

Skating Weekends

It's that time again... competition time. 

I feel like we have one every weekend through these spring months. 
That might be because we did last and this weekend.  Last weekend I had six little kiddos compete and this weekend three. 

Skating competitions for coaches are like riding a roller coaster for anywhere from 2-6 hours long.  It's a roller coaster of emotions.  Skaters are either excited or not happy with how they skated, upset or confused with how they placed, nervous about how they'll do or how they'll place, scared, don't care, afraid they'll forget.... I think you get the idea.  It's a hard job to keep them calm, make sure they are still in the game all while realizing that once they step on the ice, it's all in their hands.  You train for these things, but you never know what could happen.

Last weekend all my little skaters did great!  I think we wrangled up a 1st and multiple 2nds. 
This weekend all my little skaters did great too!  We wrangled up 2 1sts and a couple of 2nds. 

Last weekend I thought Mike was going to die when this little girl walked by him in a mini red dress.  She was probably 3.  :) Don't get any ideas... it's not happening.  There will be no skating for my kids... I hope.  Too expensive and too subjective! Even though you see this...

I'm sure it will be a battle to keep them out of hockey/figure skating... but I think it's one I'm willing to fight!
Mike you are going down...
Just kidding

Anyways, so happy for my little skaters who did so great this weekend! 
It was great to go back to my hometown too! 
I always get to see my old coaches, my old friends, and all other oldies but goodies from my skating life!

Happy Monday!

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