

Conner Prairie - Part 2

Back to Conner Prairie - Take 2! 
There was so much to do there... I could go back many times!  But since it was a free day, there were so many people there that by the time we left, you could barely walk through the gift shop!  Crazy! 

But anyways...

So now we are in Prairietown! 

We went back in time to the mid 1880s... a simpler timer. 

Did you know that many of the Prairietown structures date from the 1800s? There are 15 buildings in town. In many cases, they have been restored, faithfully adhering to their history. Original features may remain. A few buildings have been constructed in recent years, using techniques from the 19th century.
This is Doctor Campbell -- he was watching the house while the lady was out...
Don't mind the woman in the picture...she was laughing at me taking it... unfortunately, I could not crop her out as much as I wanted to because I wanted the guys full outfit!

Dr. Campbell is the founder of Prairietown and as such, wields influence and power and is something of a social elitist. He started Prairietown as an investment, a way to make himself some money. But he is also a very charming and a very smart man. Because of his role in town, many of the town's people owe the doctor money and therefore resent him. In fact, the rumor is he married Mrs. Campbell for money! He has lots for sale to the public and is interested in attracting young families to settle in Prairietown.

Here is Caroline (I think) making cookies... She was making Molasses cookies that smelled divine, but I couldn't have lived in this time I don't think... it was BOILING in this kitchen and they said they wore like 8 layers of all kinds of clothing... she had to have been sweating her butt off! 
And it was only 70 degrees out.

Here's Ells in the stable.
Not a fan.
The horse tried to give her a kiss.
No tears, just scared a little, but I felt we need to expose her to these things so when she gets a little older she won't be super scared...

And all is well back in the neighbors house...
Toys and she was loving it.  Wooden blocks.  I think we might attempt simpler toys... she seems to enjoy!

Then Mr K kept telling me he had to go to the bathroom, but I was like there aren't any around...
And then he did this...

I was seriously scared for a minute...
But then he re-emerged.

And there's the lady of the house coming back from lunch at a friends (break). 
Well, I think she's the Lady or A lady of that house because that's where she ended up...

Then we walked a little further and under a covered bridge and were in the times of the civil war. 
It's the 1863 Civil War Journey

And soldiers were setting up camp...

And Ells was taking a break on the burnt boxes from a railroad station that had been set afire. 
Not really, but that was part of the story.  Lots of looting and turmoil...

This was the general store... that had just been raided and the owners wife was telling us all about it.  She was taking care of the store while her husband was out fighting.  She's kind of hard to see, but you get the idea.  She was actually really great!

Then we came across this woman (didn't get  her name) who was telling a crowd about riding side-saddle.  Interesting...

Then we went into a little theater and watched a presentation on things that were happening... around the US and Prairietown during the civil war.  We learned more of Morgan's raid that had affected the general store.  That Morgan was a very nasty guy... seriously nasty!

And then I saw this guy... he was the end of our trip...
Too cute!  I don't think I've ever really been that close to a donkey.

See yesterday's post for more on this trip!

Can't wait to go back next year! 
Maybe Ells will actually pet the animals -- at least she'll be walking on her own by then!

Might try to make it for their Headless Horseman event that they have every weekend in October!  Ooo... You know me and Halloween...


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