

Kitchen Art

So my kitchen has been getting a large update lately.  I wish I had time for my cabinets, but I have not yet.  But that time is coming... I can see it in the future... the near future. 

But since I have to wait on those cabinets, I found the time this weekend to hang all the random picture frames that were lingering in the kitchen.  A quick run to Ikea on Thursday where I grabbed some pillows (small and not finished yet) helped kick the kitchen into gear. 

I recently posted about the kitchen.  Not much change besides new covers on the chair cushions. 
Pretty Plain.

I recently ordered some seat cushions from H&M which I was hoping would work and they actually do.
And at less than $10 each they were a perfect "now" solution... They might be upgraded down the line, but they might not.  Jury is still out on that one.

But lots of things have been collecting dust around my house and I wanted to display them. Some of those things were super old and some were new.  I think I already shared a couple of quick updates to my kitchen art.  However, it still felt blah... not to mention a couple frames kept falling off the wall - I had used the Velcro 3M pieces, and obviously not enough. 

So I just got to hanging...
I'm so bad at measuring and all...
I just go with it.
Some call it lazy, some might call it artsy, or others might just call it confident.  haha.

And here's what I came up with...

I love the color that it brings into the room...
Weird because there's some pink and pink should only be used in moderation, at least that's how I feel about it.  But you'll see... obviously, my one pink plate is my limit on how much you can use. 

This photo got tinted on my phone and I'm not sure how. 
But this is what the kitchen looks like in the evening. 

Here you can kind of see the cushions... yes, the plastic is still on until I'm sure on them. 
I am still trying to figure out a way to connect them that won't look super obvious or weird.

I just like it... I'm so excited.  Here's where almost everything came from. 
The white frames are all IKEA.
Plates are from Target when they had the Nordstrom line - Tracy Reese.
And they were super discounted so my mom grabbed them for me. 
Spoon and gold frames are from Goodwill & The Goodwill Outlet.
Got Milk is from Garden Ridge. 
I absolutely LOVE being able to display my Ells artwork. 
These turquoise canvas' were my favorite that she's done.
And the very faint sak is from a flea market last year that I've finally hung... YAY!
I wanted to use one that said Coffee Beans, but it was too big for that frame. 

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