

Maeve Update

This past weekend we worked on our new business Maeve and I'm still trying to complete my checklist! 

A little while back I told you that we were starting a vintage rentals company in my hometown.  This has been a huge undertaking - both mentally and financially.  I'm doing it with my mom and sister who both live back home.  I live 2 hours south in Indianapolis so making sure we are all on the same page, taking care of necessary things, etc has been somewhat of a challenge. 

The business will most likely happen in phases. 
Phase 1 - Vintage Furniture and Prop Rentals
Phase 2 - Storefront & Local Goodies -- We'd love to have a storefront, but with that comes costs and without real business yet, that scares me a little.  We currently have a storage unit, but that will make it hard to show clients pieces.   
Phase 3 - Little Girl Proper (dress up) Tea Parties & Ladies Craft Nights
Phase 4 - Vintage Car Rentals (DREAM DREAM DREAM)

To date, we have increased our inventory so we all have a good chunk of change in the business.  Now we are focusing on marketing!  Which I did not go to school for so it's been a fun challenge.  I found Marketing suites on Etsy that are used for Photographers, but I'm going to use them for our needs.  Our logo could use some work, but we had to start somewhere!  So far we are looking at personally delivering our marketing suites to local boutiques, photographers, and other small businesses.  I figure the personal touch is always a good added bonus and makes you more legitimate.  Then we'll look to advertise in local papers, magazines, and at events.

We also need to find a photographer who is willing to trade services every once in a while because I can take plain pictures, but they do not really showcase details like I need them to.  Maybe I'll go to a photography class...

We've been looking at working with SCORE - anyone ever used them?  I'm also looking at using Legal Zoom or Rocket Lawyer for some misc forms and filings that we need.  Online lawyers make me a little nervous, but it seems like the way everything is moving...  

Does anyone know any good business blogs?  Like ones that I wouldn't mind reading?

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