

Etsy Favorite :: Second Chancez

Who doesn't love a super cute dish towel?  I know I do!
And lately they seem to just get cuter and cuter!  Everyone needs them... They add a little character to your kitchen!

And my friend makes them!  Her Etsy shop, Second Chancez, has a ton of cute vintage accents that she's brought back to life!

My favorites are these Ball Jar towels.  The transfer is just adorable and you can't beat the price of $7.95! 

I mean, look how cute they are hanging on a towel rod. 
Her towels are 100% cotton white flour sack towel and approximately 28" x 29".

I also love the color in these little bowls on this one!  Not to mention the red line on the towel itself.  

She also makes these cute little burlap sacks!  I think they are just perfect to add a wine bottle too!  
What a cute way to give a hostess a bottle of wine!?! 

And owls are all the rage right now... 
Very on trend. 

And Morgan & I both want you to have some!  She's graciously offered a coupon code!
Use LMMBLOG10 at her etsy shop and you'll receive 10% off your purchase of $10 or more!
Good through August 31st!

Shop now at


What I Need Wednesday!

Last night we celebrated Mr K's Bday.  It was kind of blah.  We are low on funds lately and so I was just going to celebrate with balloons and cupcakes.  I grabbed the cupcakes and then headed up to Dollar General to grab some balloons... they are only $1 y'all!  It's a great deal...
But we left empty handed because they were out of helium.  Seriously.  That sucked.

So we just celebrated with cupcakes

And some singing in the rain! 

This girl is out of control. ;)
So time for what I need... besides balloons! 

I'm dying over this patio set from Crate & Barrel.  I walked through the store last month and just thought it was a very very creative and lovely display -- which it was... but I didn't think it was something you could buy!  It does come with a hefty price tag, even at half off... but I'm thinking I might be able to come up with something kind of similar... we shall see!  However, if someone would like to purchase this for me and save the trouble, I would not oppose!  

I'm thinking about rearranging my living room since we got the new floors and am thinking about adding some seating options.  It'll either be two new ottomans or two new poufs!  Like these!  Did you know they are currently on sale at Target for $45!  Like Woah!  Don't be deceived by the online price because they are on sale in the store I swear! 

I love Frye Boots.  So much that they've been on my Christmas list for like years... and by years I mean about 10! I like these these b/c they don't look like farm boots and they are flat... for some reason I don't like much of a heel, if any, on my boots.  It's just how I roll.
And these are on great sale at Nordstrom right now with their Anniversary Sale.

I saw these on a Pin I found.  The person (who shall remain nameless because I have forgotten her name but if you follow me on Pinterest, and you should, you'll see the pin under "my style") had a list of all the great things you needed from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and these were one of them.  She said they are like butter!  And I love butter (not by itself but you wouldn't wear these alone anyways!)!
I guess that's all I need today...
But just a couple of things before I go on this glorious hump day!

Don't forget to check out Little Passports!

Stella & Dot's new Fall Line launched last week so go check that out -- more on that Friday!
And I'm looking for 3 Online Hostesses for August! 
That could be you wearing your new engravable necklace soon!

And don't forget to enter the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo Giveaway!

Happy Hump Day!  Enjoy It!


Welcome To My Office

My pantry has a little nook in it for where you could put the laundry room if you so desired.  I decided when we built this house that we wanted the laundry upstairs.  So this area sat empty for a while...

Then was a place for the dogs stuff...

Then was a place to hang our coats... with a bench, then another bench, then another bench...
See the transformation here.

And I realized that I haven't really touched on the Pantry in two years.  It was time. 

And while it's still not done, it has changed and I have plans for the future...

So... welcome to my office.  It's my little nook in the pantry turned mini office for me. 

There are some issues with it...
It constantly looks like a hot mess, like here. 
The coats need a new home and we need some serious storage in here. 

There's also no outlet which I'm not sure why because if there were going to be a washer and dryer in here then it should have had one, but I guess that's something to put on the list... And for now, I just charge my laptop before heading in there.

Right now it's a mix of things... and a ton of blandness.  The trestle legs are from IKEA, the wood I've had hanging around for a bit.  I had used one piece for my Ruler Growth Chart and the others were just from the cuts.  So they were already stained and one had numbers on it, but I kind of liked that it wasn't all uniform. 

The Bulletin Board was not staged for these pictures.  This is what it always looks like.  Utter craziness!  I think there are four invitations on it right now... some old pictures... a picture that Ella & I drew... some fabric swatches... a calendar... etc... Not staged. 

And much needed motivation from Lara Casey (which is where I bought this print from).  Haha. 

Anyways, this area wears a lot of hats.  It's storage, pantry, office.  I'm not even showing you the other side of this room... It's just chaos. 

So anyways, I have some mighty plans for this space and I'm really hoping they can work themselves out here in the next couple of months. 

1. Paint Navy.  Remember my color crush on Navy?  Well yea, I still have it. 
2. Wall to wall floating shelves - white with gold flecks... more on this when I get to it! 
3. Storage!  Boxes!  Hide!  Everything! 
4. I might even make the desk a floating desk... otherwise, I'll probably be painting those trestle legs white so they pop... or gold! 

Here's my design idea.  I did this really quickly on Polyvore last night so no judgement.

Navy Office Inspiration

And I'd like to use a lot of what I have so that will be the trick...

Here are my inspiration photos... Enjoy!
Hopefully this project gets going soon!


DIY Target Table Redesign & A Promo Code

Does anyone else just love Target
Wait, dumb question.
We all do (I think)... except for when they messed with our credit cards, but ok, I forgive them! 

I could get lost in the "halls" of target for an entire day...
Well maybe that's an exxageration... but you know what I mean! 

So one day LAST YEAR I came across a wirey looking table just like it.
And the price tag said $9.99 so I couldn't pass it up.  


I had seem another blogger do a restyle to this table and thought... hmmm... I could do that... Of course, now, a year later, I can't find that picture so just trust me on it!  ;)  But I did fall in love with a table that Sarah M Dorsey Designs had done that was kind of simlar...

I honestly can't remember what the wirey part was originally colored... this is what happens when you have so many projects going on in real life and in your head.  I believe I immediately sprayed it this gold. 

And you might notice the top was a little messy, but I didn't care because I was going to cover that up.

With this lovely piece of $10 round that I found at Lowes
It's got a good weight to it which helps keep the table in it's place and make it feel more supstansial! 

So I took it outside and stained the top...
(This only shows the edges stained)

And we used wood glue with a little Gorilla Glue to stick the two together...

And voila! 
A nice new, $20ish side table that is unique and different.

It's perfect for my coffee, the stain is different from the wood floors, and the gold gives it a little pop! 

Also, do you like my candle holders turned vase?!  Yea...  I got bored one day last week and felt like I needed some color and greens and this is what I came up with! 

So there you have it!
An easy ReStyled Dorm Table turned Sophistocated Chic!

And since we are talking makeovers of dorm furniture, why not talk back to school! 
Have you heard of Little Passports?  I'm anxiously awaiting my first box to explore with Ella! 
They are offering a special to you guys just for trying a new subscription!
15% off on all new Little Passports subscriptions for 3 days only!

The adventures of Sam and Sofia will be sure to keep kids busy while inspiring them to learn about this beautiful world we live in and now your kids can travel the globe for less! For 3 days only, get 15% off on all new Little Passports subscriptions with code: COOL15. Let your kids have fun while gearing up for the new school year with Little Passports!
*This promotion is valid on new subscriptions only and cannot be combined with any other offers. Promotion applies only to the first month on a monthly billed plan. This promotion excludes shipping and taxes. Offer valid through July 30th, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST

So Happy Monday!  Happy Clean Houses just because mine pretty much is and it never is!!! 
Happy Exploring with your kiddos as we all head towards back to school!
Can you believe some Indy Kids went back to school today?!  Remember the days of going back to school at the END of August?!  It's still summer and that kind of sucks...

**The links in this post from Little Passports are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.


Rug Inspiration

Remember last week when I shared that we had redone our living room floors?  

Well now we need a rug.  
Like yesterday. 

So... I was trying to find something reasonably priced that wouldn't break the bank and have been coming up short.  The problem?  I need an 8x10 or bigger.  Fail. 

I had looked online and was coming up around the $400-$600 range that I just cannot do right now.  It's just not in my budget so I decided to look at Target.  They really have some great choices, but not in huge sizes.  The bigger sizes in some are available online though. 

Here are the ones I found that I liked.  

I really like the look and feel fontina rug but it's a 5x7, it's all cream, and that's 2 strikes because is an all cream rug really practical for my lifestyle?  

Then there's this guy... Who's adorable, soft, comes in a 7x9, goes with my color schemee and adds a little bit of texture with the pattern. He's got a lot going for him. 

But then there's my favorite... From Nate Berkus but he only comes in a 5x8 so I would need 2 of them and they'd have to be professionally bound together so that makes the $200 Target version $400+ once all is said and done... 

So the search continues... I am looking at RugsUSA, Overstock, and Urban Outfitters (surprisingly). I will see what I can find and hopefully recap soon. 

Why is picking a rug so hard for me?  It feels like such a commitment!  Like more than buying a house or a car...  Ugh. 

But until then, here are a few inspiration rooms that I keep in the back of my mind when thinking of my living room.  I'd love to obtain these looks in my house!  

Happy Friday!