

Welcome To My Office

My pantry has a little nook in it for where you could put the laundry room if you so desired.  I decided when we built this house that we wanted the laundry upstairs.  So this area sat empty for a while...

Then was a place for the dogs stuff...

Then was a place to hang our coats... with a bench, then another bench, then another bench...
See the transformation here.

And I realized that I haven't really touched on the Pantry in two years.  It was time. 

And while it's still not done, it has changed and I have plans for the future...

So... welcome to my office.  It's my little nook in the pantry turned mini office for me. 

There are some issues with it...
It constantly looks like a hot mess, like here. 
The coats need a new home and we need some serious storage in here. 

There's also no outlet which I'm not sure why because if there were going to be a washer and dryer in here then it should have had one, but I guess that's something to put on the list... And for now, I just charge my laptop before heading in there.

Right now it's a mix of things... and a ton of blandness.  The trestle legs are from IKEA, the wood I've had hanging around for a bit.  I had used one piece for my Ruler Growth Chart and the others were just from the cuts.  So they were already stained and one had numbers on it, but I kind of liked that it wasn't all uniform. 

The Bulletin Board was not staged for these pictures.  This is what it always looks like.  Utter craziness!  I think there are four invitations on it right now... some old pictures... a picture that Ella & I drew... some fabric swatches... a calendar... etc... Not staged. 

And much needed motivation from Lara Casey (which is where I bought this print from).  Haha. 

Anyways, this area wears a lot of hats.  It's storage, pantry, office.  I'm not even showing you the other side of this room... It's just chaos. 

So anyways, I have some mighty plans for this space and I'm really hoping they can work themselves out here in the next couple of months. 

1. Paint Navy.  Remember my color crush on Navy?  Well yea, I still have it. 
2. Wall to wall floating shelves - white with gold flecks... more on this when I get to it! 
3. Storage!  Boxes!  Hide!  Everything! 
4. I might even make the desk a floating desk... otherwise, I'll probably be painting those trestle legs white so they pop... or gold! 

Here's my design idea.  I did this really quickly on Polyvore last night so no judgement.

Navy Office Inspiration

And I'd like to use a lot of what I have so that will be the trick...

Here are my inspiration photos... Enjoy!
Hopefully this project gets going soon!

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