Our night consisted of surprising each other with small gifts, grabbing Noodles and Company take-out and ending up home on the couch basically falling asleep before 9pm. Sounds romantic, right? Well, it wasn't romantic, but Mike and I both learned that we are a pretty good team!
We've been watching Dexter, the series, on Netflix through the Wii. Have you seen it? It's about a Forensic Detective who is a Serial Killer by night, but he only kills bad guys or people who have literally gotten away with murder. Anyways, we've been watching like 2 episodes a night (I know, obsession but they are so good). We actually got through seasons 1 and 2 in about 2 weeks. That's 24 episodes and way too much TV, but apparently we have nothing better to do.
So I thought for Valentine's day, since we were pretty sure that even the DVDs by mail part of Netflix didn't have season 3 available, I would get Mike (and who are we kidding, me too) the Dexter Season 3 DVD set so we could continue to watch when we like. I thought I was being all creative and good and even sneaky.
When I came home yesterday I tied a bow around the set and sat it on the coffee table with a card on top of it. Mike came downstairs a few minutes later with a bag and I told him he could just set it on the table....that's when he saw his gift. He started laughing and was like I knew it I knew it.... So I thought maybe we bought the same thing. Oh well, right? We've done this before... Ipods at Christmas.
I opened my bag which seemed to be a DVD set so I knew we'd be taking something back soon. But to my surprise, Mike got Dexter Season 4! He said he figured I'd get season 3 so he thought I might as well get season 4.
And this is why Mike and I make a good team! :) And why he's my "Killer" Valentine!
And that's our Valentine's day story for 2011. We watched 2 episodes of Dexter while eating Noodles and Company dinners at our coffee table and were in bed by 10pm.
*Don't forget to check back in Friday for a Fabulous Freebie Giveaway!*
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