I was thinking about how exhausted I am but how good I felt because I actually got to sleep last night from 10:15 when I passed out on the bed until 4am. Then I know I'm one of those moms, but I love to "nuggle" with my little one when she's sad or frustrated so we lay in bed together. She curls right up into my chest. Usually she lays on top of my chest with her head "nuggled" into my neck and passes out, but it's so fun to just be together. I always tell her "it's you and me kid." Mr. K doesn't like that so much...
I was thinking about what the day was going to hold. Our new house cleaner is coming today so I was trying to get ready a little quicker than normal for work so that I could take care of a few odds and ends that I know Mike will not do. I was throwing those not really dirty clothes into the closet on the valet so they were not on the floor. I was making a pile of dirty clothes for Mr. K to move to the laundry room. I was making sure my valuables (I know...) were put away... even if it meant tucking them into the top drawer of the dresser until I got back to them tonight... I was making sure that all of Ella's stuff in our room was tucked away at the end of her bassinet. It's funny how you clean the house for someone to clean it! And I was doing all this while trying not to make any noise and wake her up!
I was thinking about how the dogs will have to be in the garage for most of the day because of the cleaner coming... Usually they stay upstairs while the sitter is there. Today they'll be in the garage. At least it's supposed to be a decent day. They'll get a big blanket to lay on and toys (hopefully). This also made me think about how Lex needs a new name tag and if we should get them chipped...
I was thinking about how we are making it through... We just had a new baby, we are working off less income than we've ever done in the past, and how we are scraping by. I was thinking about how I feel like I'm busting my butt to make ends meet and how we are doing it... It's kind of strange how things usually come together. I've been selling things on Ebay, Craigslist, working on S&D, skating, and have gone back to work full time this week. Man do I miss maternity leave.
I chuckled as I got around this morning... thinking about how Ella is such a turd that she rolled over for the first time for the babysitter yesterday and how I was laying on the floor with her when I got home and walked to the kitchen for 3 minutes and when I got back she was on her tummy so I had missed it again... do you think she did it again all night?! Nope. I'll just keep waiting for my turn to see it.
I was thinking about how I'm playing single parent this weekend while Mr. K goes to Detroit for hockey. It'll just be me and E this weekend and we've got a lot going on. She'll be attending learn to skate with me again which I promised I would never do to her, but have to. She is a part of the welcoming committee and has become somewhat of a mascot to the program! haha. She'll be driving to another rink to have a cupcake for the 2 year anniversary of a friend's liver transplant. Then she'll be attending via baby bjorn her first ice show/recital on Sunday so that I can help with getting kids on and off the ice.
I was thinking about all the things I want to do like run, travel, read, and relax. Yes, I know some of those are daily things and others are once in a lifetime things, but I was thinking... will I be able to do the things on my Bucket List? Do I even really have a Bucket List? Maybe I should write it out...
I was thinking about how I need to write out a schedule for Mr. K and the sitter. Apparently Mr. K can't remember it so has asked me to write it down. This is a schedule for Ella. It's pretty basic but the most important times are the morning and evening so we can get things done and start getting sleep again... Excuse me so I can start getting sleep again!
I was thinking about how I need to stop thinking about so many things! But the stresses just continue on so the lists get longer... and I attempt to get them done at some point. Being an adult kinda sucks but it does have it's great moments to so we'll push on...

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