Well, I think it's time to revisit my ambitions for the new year of 2012 since we are over 6 months in...
Let's see how my world conquering is going....

I am reading more books... by more, I think I'm at 3. I've read Hunger Games 1 & 2 and have just stared 3. I have also read a small book that I can't remember so it must have been good. I feel like I finally have time to read so I've made a list.
To Read List:
Mockingjay - started
What Remains - Carole Radziwill
Wife 22 -
New JK Rowling Book in Sept.
Brothers - a book about JFK and Robert I have at home
I have had a rough few months with my non-sleeping baby. Between her teething and her constipation, sleep has been little so some things have fallen to the wayside, blogging being one of them. I am going to get back on track for the 2nd half of the year! I promise and I promise because I have so much to do and finally time to do it! YAY!!!
I am using more coupons --- when I cut them. Bahhahaa!!! I wish that I could just have certain types of coupons sent to my phone and then when I got to the register I could just scan my phone to see if anything applies to what I'm buying... anyone know of an app like this? I don't know if there is one because it's basically me doing no work besides setting up my preferences at the beginning. Bahha...
I'm working on 12 in 12 too, but this is probably going to end up more like at least 6 for 12. Although, I think we have 5 at least.... So I could probably get back on track and have 10 for 12. I'm guessing we'll have the following -- August 18th (an outdoor concert), September 5th (a wedding), October (Halloween), November (Thanksgiving), and December (Christmas). So that should be 10 for 12... we shall see. I think this will be fun for Ells if we continue to do it every year... and we'll have a ton of family photos!
And the gym... my non best friend. I will be honest. I have not set foot in the gym this year. I was running outside and then it got hot and then I was doing Pilate's inside and then my back started bugging me so I've started to run again. We did just change our gym memberships so I'm hoping we'll be able to get back into the swing of things... I found a much cheaper deal so long as we can figure Ells into the mix. But with my recent jump into Weight Watchers, I will need to keep up the activity... So I can swap those points if I ever figure out how...
I am going to be honest... these are the things I have not done:
- Go to church
- Get Mr. K a new car
- Pay off debt and save
- Blog Monday through Friday

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